




1.学习倦怠学习倦怠(learning burnout)的概念来自于职业倦怠(job burnout)的研究,目前并没有形成一个一致的概念。国外学者多引用Freub…


1.sophomores were more of misconduct and low self-accomppshment than juniors, learning burnout of the former being higher than the latter.二年级则比三年级表现出更多的行为不当和成就感低,整体倦怠程度也显著高于三年级;

2.Conclusion There is significant relationship between professional commitment, learning burnout and learning engagement.结论专业承诺、学习倦怠和学习投入存在密切的关系。

3.Learning burnout is one behavior of negative learning psychology.学习倦怠现象是一种消极学习心理的表现。

4.Sophomores demonstrated more depression, misconduct and low self-accomppshment, and witnessed more learning burnout than freshman;其中二年级比一年级表现出更多的情绪低落、行为不当和成就感低,整体学习倦怠程度也显著高于一年级;

5.Relationship between Professional Commitment and Learning Burnout of Undergraduates and Scales Developing大学生的专业承诺、学习倦怠的关系与量表编制

6.A Study on the Professional Commitment and Learning Burnout of Undergraduates and Their Relationship大学生专业承诺、学习倦怠的状况及其关系

7.A Research on Middle School Students'Learning Burnout Structure中学生学习倦怠结构研究

8.Learning Burnout and Coping Style of Undergraduates大学生学习倦怠及其与应对风格的关系

9.Current Studies and Prospects of Learning Burnout学习倦怠的研究现状及展望

10.The deficits of study resources could predict the three aspects of learning burnout; The high study demands could predict improper behavior;学习资源缺乏是情绪低落、行为不当和成就感低产生的原因;