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复数:leeches  同义词





n.1.a small soft creature that sticks to the skin of other animals in order to feed on their blood. Leeches were often used in the past as a type of medical treatment.2.someone who tries to get money, food, or other benefits from someone else

1.水蛭 lecular 等分子的 leeches 蛭类 leek 似蒜葱 ...

3.鱼蛭 线虫( Nematoda) 蛭虫( Leeches) 纤毛杆虫( Uronema marinum) ...

6.蚂蟥阿尔巴哈里(David Albahari)的小说《蚂蟥》(Leeches)从1998年3月开始,主人公是一位年轻的记者,正坐在贝尔格莱德 …

7.荔枝 李 plum 荔枝 leeches 枇杷 kumquat ...


1.There is no doubt we love you more than anyone else. So please don't be sympathetic for those leeches . Never try to compromise with them.你是我们最爱的人,所以千万不要同情这些吸血水蛭,也不要与他们合解。

2.So perhaps it isn't a coincidence that once upon a time doctors weren't called doctors, but instead they were called leeches.因此,曾经有段时间医生不叫医生,而被称为蚂蟥,这不是巧合,是有渊源的。

3."Ants have built nests in my videotapes, leeches are a daily routine, and I've come face to face with a king cobra, " he recalls.“蚂蚁们曾在我的录像带中筑巢,水蛭成了例行公事,我还和眼镜蛇王面面相对过,”他回忆道。

4.This practice will help you to identify your time, energy and money leeches, remove them, and replace them with something else.这个实践将帮助你确定你的时间、精力以及金钱的流失,移除这些因素,并且用其他一些因素取代它们。

5.No Garou trucks with the undead if he's wise, but the Striders are the Leeches ' bitter foes, although few outside the tribe know why.虽然没有一个明智的狼人会与不死一族做买卖,但是漫游者们是吸血水蛭们不共戴天的仇敌,没有外人知道为什么。

6.The FDA has okayed leeches for some procedures. Which could lead patients to thank their doctors for a treatment that sucks.美国食品及药物管理局已经同意用水蛭辅助治疗。病人们势必会感谢医生,即使治疗方式是吸血。

7.Turtles are also quite capable of passing parasites (eg leeches) onto crocodipans.鳄鱼龟也相当能够通过寄生虫(如水蛭)上。

8.Bloodletting and leeches were once the normal way of treating most illnesses until smart people started questioning the practice.放血和用水蛭吸血一度是治疗病患的常用方式,直到聪明人开始质疑这一做法。

9."Lacewing fpes, leeches, fluxweed, and knotgrass, " she murmured, running her finger down the pst of ingredients.“草蛉虫,蚂蟥,流液草和两耳草,”她喃喃地念着,用手指一条条指着配料单,

10.The results show that there are obvious differences in the composition of amino acid between bloodsucking and non - bloodsucking leeches.结果表明吸血蛭与非吸血蛭在氨基酸组成上有明显差异。