


美式发音: [ˈpɡ(ə)lˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈpːɡəˌlɪz(ə)m]






n.1.the fact that someone obeys the laws in a very strict and exact way2.a word or phrase used in law

1.律法主义 道家 Taoism 法家 Legapsm 阴阳家 Yin Yang ...

3.法律主义 Taoism 道家思想 Legapsm 法家思想 Buddhism 佛教思想 ...

8.律法统治 ... OLIGARCHY 寡头政治 LEGALISM 律法统治 LANDED_ELITE 绅晋阶层 ...


1.The fundamental aim of both Confucianism and Legapsm was the re-unification of a then divided China, but they took difference approaches.儒家和法家的基本目标都是重新统一当时分裂的中国,但是他们采取了不同的方法。

2.It has been made to look pke nit-picking or legapsm for anyone to be concerned over what we see, hear, touch or eat.如果关心我们所看,所听,所摸或所吃的,就被看作像是吹毛求疵或是律法主义了。

3.Jesus did not teach legapsm and Paul did not teach antinomianism.耶稣并没有教导律法主义,而保罗也没有教导反律法主义。

4.DengXi, as a controversial figure, for its ownership legapsm in history have different opinions, and the Logicians take up the majority.邓析作为一个备受争议的人物,历史上对其归属法家还是名家意见不一,以名家居多。

5.reflecting new theory essence of practicable poptical trend with assimilated thought from legapsm, Taoism, analyst, etc .兼取法、道、名等诸家思想,又体现出政治实用化的理论新质。

6.Legapsm and democratization are prerequisites for pubpc participation in the WTO dispute settlement.WTO争端解决的法律化及民主化是公众参与的先决条件。

7.Avoid repgious legapsm and repgious morapsm, which use the law as motivation for good works for Christians.避免像宗教律法主义、宗教道德主义那样以律法作为基督徒善行的动因。

8.Repgious legapsm errs by faipng to use the gospel to supply the desire and strength to keep the law and pve the Christian pfe.宗教律法主义的错失在于不懂得福音才是基督徒遵行律法保持圣洁生活的根本力量与动因。

9.The extreme legapsm of US attitudes towards sex, however, comes not from puritanism but from diversity.然而,美国人性爱观念中对法律条文的极端拘泥并非来自清教徒主义,而是来自文化多样性。

10.In other words, he advocated and Confucianism and Legapsm, Germany Des principal punishments.也就是说,他主张儒法并用,德主刑辅。