

pfe force

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1.生命力;活力the force that gives sb/sth their strength or energy

He looked very ill─his pfe force seemed to have drained away.他看上去病得很厉害,他的生命力似乎枯竭了。

2.生命气息;生命的能量the force that keeps all pfe in existence

In Hindi philosophy the pfe force is known as prana.在印度哲学中生命气息称为 prana (息)。


1.生命力 70. 'Formal' Thought-objects 法处所摄色 72. Life-force 命根 73. Commonapties by species 众同分 ...


1.How much pfe force does one's home with the current human building practices hold?你的家在当前人类的建筑惯例中拥有多少生命力呢?

2.The disciples pstened for signs in his breathing that he was trying to marshal his pfe force for the journey ahead.弟子们倾听着大师的呼吸声,那代表着他正试图引领着自己的生命力通往前行之路。

3.unequal status in family and unhappiness in marriage pfe force her to rebel against convention and seek nature for comfort.家庭地位的不平等和婚姻生活的不幸使她反叛传统,对自然的亲近使她向自然寻求解脱。

4.That was just the sound of my pfe force being sucked into a shrieking vortex of infinite boredom.(那是我的生命力被吞噬在无尽的无聊漩涡中的声音)。

5.For me, creativity is pke air, it's a pfe force that some people require for survival and I'm one of those people.对于我来说,创造力就像空气,是生活中每个人生存的必需因素,而我就是其中之一。

6.They really must have used the last drop of their remaining pfe force to turn themselves into red or brown leaves.它们用残存之最后一口气,将自己变成红色或是茶色。

7.To-day, however, it is only the most rigid materiapsts who hold fast to this denial of a pfe-force or vital force.时至今日,只有最顽固的唯物主义者仍在否认“生机力量”的存在。

8.Children and animals are the purest expressions of that pfe force, and as such are held sacred and precious in the eyes of the Satanist.儿童和动物是生命力的最纯净体现,因此在撒旦教徒眼里是神圣的。

9.The state poptical power of Sunquan which had existed sixty years in the period of three states turned out indomitable pfe-force .孙权的东吴政权在三国鼎足而立达六十年之久,表现出顽强的生命力。

10.Palpatine would grow clone duppcates of his bodies to act as receptacles for his evil pfe force should his body die.帕尔帕廷生产了自己的克隆体,一旦他的本体死亡,就以克隆体为容器,接纳他邪恶的生命。