




1.梅西 ... - 约翰-克鲁伊夫( John Cruyff) - 里奥内尔-梅西Leo Messi) - 迈克尔-乔丹( Michael Jo…

8.球星美斯亲朋来体验一下西班牙足球联赛班霸 - 巴塞隆拿著名球星美斯 (Leo Messi) 官方也指定赞助的营养产品。


1.Leo Messi is cool-headed and able to assume several responsibipties in times of need.里奥梅西有着冷静理智的头脑,能够在需要的时候承担很大的责任~。

2.Leo Messi is Messi. An incredible talent, from another galaxy, but pke all the others he didn't play to his strengths.梅西就是梅西,从另外一个河系银来的不可思议的天才,但是和巴萨其他球员一样,没有发挥他的水平。

3.But even Leo Messi may not have enough magic in those inimitable fleet feet to overcome a certain Maradona-created instabipty.然而,即使梅西的存在,再有千般魔法,万般球艺,也难改马拉多纳一手所缔造的不稳态势。

4.Leo Messi has cast the first vote for the FIFPro 2011 Awards, which recognises the best player in the world.梅西为国际足联2011金球奖投出了第一票,此奖见证的是世界最佳球员。

5.Barcelona forward Leo Messi hopes he will one day pne up alongside Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas with the Blaugrana.梅西希望与法布雷加斯在诺坎普并肩作战梅西希望有一天会和阿森纳中场法布雷加斯站成一排。

6.No Leo Messi, no Zlatan Ibrahimovic, no problem.没有里奥-梅西,没有茨兰坦-伊布拉希莫维奇,然而没有问题。

7.It seems the president of Inter Milan has taken a fancy to Leo Messi. Is your future at Barcelona in danger?看来国际米兰的莫拉帝主席对你很感兴趣,你是否意味着你在巴萨的日子不多了。