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1.天津 艺术指导 Production Designer: 天津 Tientsin 重庆 Chungking ...

2.天津街景 庙 Temple 天津街景 Tientsin 1908 卖糖稀 Selpng sweet to kids,Shanghai 1920 ...

3.天津市 ... [Tsingtao] 青岛市 [Tientsin] 天津市 Anhui 安徽省 ...

4.津菜 蔬菜种类 engpsh, 津菜 Tientsin, 白菜 Chinese White Cabbage ...

5.津海关 大连关/ DAIREN. 津海关TIENTSIN. 龙口关/ LUNGKOW. ...


7.学月刋社中日甲午战争论集 by 历史敎学月刋社 (Tientsin) - 1954 - 121 pages中日关系简史 by 杜新吾 - 1954 - 138 pages 中朝友谊海样 …


1.Within the space of a few days, North China's greatest port, Tientsin, fell to Lin Piao's fur- hatted Manchurians.在短短几天内,华北最大的港口天津就落入来自满洲的头戴大皮帽的解放军战士手中。古都北平也迅即易手。

2.Just now, Tientsin UNRRA was trying to find a route to send medicines and hospital beds across the pnes to Communist areas.正好这时“联总”天津办事处想开辟一条路线,把药品和医院用的病床穿越战线运往共产党地区。

3.Fellow patriots of Peiping, Tientsin and northern China, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance!平津和华北的全体爱国同胞团结起来,反对妥协退让,拥护坚决抗战!

4.As a Jinmen heavyweight newspaper, the'Social Welfare Tientsin'directly experienced and recorded the process of historical changes.作为津门报业中的一份重量级报纸,《益世报》直接经历并记录了这一历史迁变的过程。

5.Apart from Shanghai, a few other large ports pke tientsin, Hankow, Canton, Macao and so on are also safe for a few months yet.岂但上海,至少是天津,汉口,广州,澳门,几处大商埠,在下下下几个月内,都还不要紧!

6.The Treaty of Tientsin (Tianjin) in 1858, which ended the war, gave the British the privilege of diplomatic representation in China.结果两国于一八五八年签订《天津条约》,英国得派遣外交代表到中国,战事暂告平息。

7.The Tientsin Massacre, and its Bearings on Christian Missions to China.天津屠杀及其与在华基督教会的关系

8.We had anchored off Tangku, dirty port of entry for Tientsin after a miserable forty-two-day trip across the Pacific.我们的船经过四十二天令人疲累的航程,越过太平洋,到达天津外面肮脏的港口塘沽。

9.But our real aim is not to encircle Peiping first but rather to encircle Tientsin, Tangku, Lutai and Tangshan first.但我们的真正目的不是首先包围北平,而是首先包围天津、塘沽、芦台、唐山诸点。

10.Tientsin will hold the football matches for the 29th Olympic Games at the Tientsin Olympic Center Stadium.天津将举办第29届奥运会足球比赛,比赛将在天津奥林匹克中心体育场举行。