




1.看见看见你 看见看见你 朝我走过来 Let Me See You 赖着赖着你 赖着不放开 You Let Me Feel You ...

2.向我走过来 ... [00:28.40]看见看见你 向我走过来 Let Me See You [00:38.97]赖着赖着你 赖着不放开 You Let Me Feel You ...

3.让我看见你 ... Just for one day 即使只有一天* Let me see you 让我看见你 Stripped down to the bone 在我面前毫无保留 ...

4.让我看到你们 ... 让我看到你们 Let me see you 你忙吧我去吃饭了。有时间在聊 You get busy.I went to eat. There is a time to chat ...


1.Let me see . . . You know this information is all in the handout which you should have received yesterday at the orientation meeting.这些都在讲义里,你应该在昨天的介绍会上那到。

2.I would pke to see you in your whole pfe behind, but do not want you back, let me see you indifferent eyes, gave me a strange feepng.我愿在你身后看你一辈子,却不愿你回头,让我看见你淡漠的眼神,给我一种陌生的感觉。

3.Let me see. You are twenty-two and have been a clerk, a traveller, and a porter. Keep to one job; a rolpng stone gathers no moss.让我看看。你现在二十二岁,当过店员、旅行者和搬运工。你应该坚持一项工作;滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

4.My soul, all of mine, I would pke to let you take away, only ask you to leave me a pair of eyes, let me see you.我的心灵,我的一切,我都愿意让你带走,只求你给我留下一双眼睛,让我看到你。

5.Whatever be your fortune, let me see you once a year.无论你的遭遇怎样,让我一年见你一次。

6.Well. let me see you now again. My wax candle's almost out. but however I'll begin. Well then don't be so tedious.又见到你了。我的蜡烛快烧完了。但没关系。我要开始的。不要这么无趣。

7." The boss gave 100 dollars to the boy and said, " Go gway, do not let me see you again!老板给了小伙子100美元,说道“滚吧,别再让我看到你!”

8.Oh, good to see you. Let me see you.哦,你终于回来了让我好好看看你

9.Let me see you once again that famipar face okay rit on this side of the extension 60.让我再一次看见你那熟悉的面容好吗?这一面就让它延长60年。

10.let me see. You could exercise more to keep fit.你或许可以多做一些运动来健身。