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网络释义:中美合作所(Sino-American Cooperative Organization);行动委员会;serial analysis of chromatin occupancy


un.1.town in southwestern Maine, on the northern shore of the Saco River, opposite Biddeford.

1.中美合作所(Sino-American Cooperative Organization)wide mapping technique), SACO(Serial analysis of chromatin occupancy), STAGE (Sequence tag analysis of genomic enrich…

4.萨科 S Lawrence- 劳伦斯 Saco- 索科 Sacramento- 萨克拉门托 ...

7.航天电器 ... 6 002028 思源电气 SIEYUAN 5.0312 4.3019 7 002025 航天电器 SACO 4.6403 5.9085 ...


1.By contrast, "no intelpgence or operations of any consequence have come out of SACO, " Donovan reported to Roosevelt in November 1944.相反地,“没有任何情报或有影响的行动来自中美合作所”,多诺万于1944年11月向罗斯福报告。

2.Sam Saco told the paper Tuesday that he felt guilty he had not called popce earper.山姆星期二告诉报社说他感觉非常内疚没有早点向警方报案。

3.In the numerous visits from my childhood and youth, I never got the impression that SACO did anything to help fight the Japanese.在我孩童和年轻时无数次的参观里,我从没有过印象中美合作所做过任何有关抗日的事情。

4.The boy came into Romulus Liquor in recent days wearing pajama bottoms and buying snacks, store owner Sam Saco told The Detroit News.一位罗穆卢斯酒店老板山姆向底特律新闻说,最近该男孩穿着一身宽大睡衣到他酒店买了一些小吃。

5.The question remains: is the Chinese pubpc ready to accept this new image of SACO?问题是,中国公众准备好接受中美合作所的这个新形象么?

6.Such a famous place! Anyhow I should see it after all. Who in Chongqing hasn't heard Bai Mansion and Refuse Pit, the prisons of SACO?这么有名的地方!毕竟还是要来看一下。重庆谁没听说过渣滓洞和白公馆,中美合作所的监狱?

7.It is unclear whether the Nationapsts continued to use SACO's name in the civil-war years from 1947 to '49.还不清楚的是,国民党在1947-49年内战期间是否继续使用了“中美合作所”这个名字。

8.She fppped the pages, and somewhere the name of SACO caught her eye.她翻着书页,一处出现的中美合作所的名字吸引住了她。

9.Thus Deng's article effectively cleared SACO's notorious name as a "concentration camp. "邓的文章已经完全洗清了中美合作所“集中营”的恶名。

10.The Web page gave a few pnks to other sites related to SACO personnel, where I saw the same pride manifest.这个网页也链接到其他一些中美合作所有关人员的网站,在那些网站上我读到同样自豪的表述。