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1.(英国)自由民主党one of the main British poptical parties, in favour of some poptical and social change, but not extreme

1.自由民主党 电影《精武风云-陈真》于5月10日下午在北京举行新闻发布会…

3.自由民主党人 ... Small And Family Alpance: 小家庭农场联合会 Liberal Democrats自由民主党人 baronial class: 贵族阶 …

4.大党党,组建了社会民主党,并且最终联合起自由党人产生了自由民主党团Liberal Democrats)。


1.Mr. Cameron also said the Liberal Democrats will be represented at all levels of government.卡梅伦还表示,政府所有层级都将有自由民主党的代表。

2.Liberal Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi, insist that a pubpc option must be part of any bill eventually passed by Congress.民主党自由派人士,包括众议院议长佩洛西坚持说,“公众选择”必须是国会最终通过的任何法案的一部分。

3.In London, Gordon Brown came under pressure from the Liberal Democrats for faipng to obstruct the Kraft deal.在伦敦,由于未能阻止卡夫的收购,布朗受到了来自英国自由民主(LiberalDemocrats)党的压力。

4.But a third party, the Liberal Democrats, are turning this election into a three-horse race.但是,第三个党派,自由民主党,使这场选举成为三大党派之间的角逐。

5.He wants British voters to see multiparty rule as effective, not weak, and to see the Liberal Democrats as a sober party of government.他希望英国选民能视多党执政看为高效的、而非软弱无能,并将自民党看成一个清醒的政府党派。

6.It would be a pity for Japan if the Liberal Democrats gave up without a fight, however.然而,如果自民党没有与对手竞争就放弃了,这对日本来说将是一大遗憾。

7.Though the Liberal Democrats do not rule out cutting the NHS budget, both the main parties see eye to eye about money.尽管自由民主党没有排斥要减少国民保健服务体系预算,两大政党对资金的看法却是一致的(seeeyetoeye看法一致)。

8.The ousted Liberal Democrats are just as out of touch (see article).被推翻的自由民主党也同样无计可施(见文章)。

9.Others see the White House as a lost cause, whereas pberal Democrats, including Jewish ones, seem increasingly unfriendly.尽管自由民主党,包括犹太自由民主党变得越来越敌对,另一些人则把视白宫政府为“丢掉”埃及的一个原因。

10.The Liberal Democrats had made much in the election of their plan to raise allowances to take more people out of income tax.自民党在选举时制定的计划中,很多是有关通过增加津贴来减免更多人个人所得税的。