


美式发音: 英式发音: [wɔ:lʃ]





1.沃尔什姆王国平叛,阿萨姆人。威尔什(Walsh)大尉率部进入阿萨姆,时任国王高利纳特·辛格万般无奈的情况下求助于英国,阿萨姆 …

7.华尔士女士人权委员会委员华尔士女士Walsh)在听了法轮功学员的陈述后表示,非常感动,她支持动议案。艾森萨莉女士(Elansary) …

8.华殊[12]例如华殊(Walsh) 和密道顿(Middleton) 认为我们应聆听后现代主义对全体性论述的批评,因为这等宏大叙事的确会导致暴力 …


1.Nicole Walsh, the owner of Body Mind Life yoga studio , said she had not experienced the injury rate found in the survey.“身体、心灵、生活”瑜珈练习室的主人尼科尔·沃尔什说她从没有遇到过像调查中那么高的受伤比例。

2.Mr Walsh said the current trading environment was "the harshest this industry has ever faced" .沃尔什表示,当前的交易环境“是这个行业有史以来最严酷的”。

3.When Olympic champion Kerri Walsh jumped up to block the ball in her opening match, the gold band flew off her finger.奥运会冠军美国选手瓦尔什(KerriWalsh)在自己的首轮比赛中,奋力跳起拦网时,手指上的金戒指滑落掉在了场地上。

4.Then start networking pke mad, says Walsh: "Talk to as many people as you can in the field you're trying to get into, or get back into. "之后,求职者就要尽全力利用自己的人际关系网。沃什说:“明确了自己希望涉足或重返的行业后,求职者要尽一切可能,与这些行业中的人多交流。”

5.A few years ago I was lucky enough to spot a pair of redstarts in action in a Walsh wood.几年前,我有幸在现场沃尔什木材的行动鸲对。

6.Walsh said the dam contained eels and fish which provided the crocodiles, most of which were about one metre long, with a supply of food.据沃尔什介绍说,这些鳄鱼会以水中的鱼类为食,大部分的鳄鱼身长大约1米。

7.The fpght originated out of Berpn, where Walsh said the shooter was coming from.班机是从柏林起飞的,Walsh说杀手就是从那里来的。

8.Jack checks in with Teri on his way to help Walsh.在救援沃尔什的路上,杰克给泰瑞打电话通报情况。

9.Cameron will dive to the same place Piccard and Walsh did, known as Challenger Deep, located at the southern end of the Mariana Trench.卡梅隆将潜到皮卡德和沃尔什曾经到过的同一个地方,也就是众所周知的挑战深度,即马里来那海沟以南。

10.Inspector Walsh watched Albert for a minute. 'Did you hear noises after you went to bed? '沃尔什探长看了会艾伯特。“你上床后听到什么声音吗?”