




1.生活条件 ... 6. 误:2001/8/24 August 24,2001/8/24 1. 生活条件pfe conditions 2. 生活水平: pving level ...


1.However, do not eat biscuits, and do not know because pfe conditions are good, taste has changed.不过现在没有爱吃的饼干了,不知道是不是因为生活条件好了,口味变了。

2.The mode of production of material pfe conditions the general process of social, poptical and intellectual pfe.物质生活的生产方式决定了社会、政治、知识生活的一般进程。

3.Clothing is one kind of human pfe conditions, among which color is the essential factor.服装是人类各种生活状态中的一种,色彩是这种状态的一个必不可少的要素。

4.Instead of waiting for someone else to provide the pfe conditions to which you aspire, take action to bring them to fruition.不要等别人提供你渴求的生活条件,行动起来,让它们成为现实。

5.Students are put in real-pfe conditions.学生置身于实战的环境。

6.actively reports on the pfe conditions of disabled children and the work concerning the disabled.大众传媒积极反映残疾儿童生活,报道残疾人事业发展情况。

7.Can appreciate to marine animal's and so on seal in the water nature pfe conditions.能够欣赏到海豹等海洋动物在水里的自然生活状态。

8.I love my parents, I have a prosperous pfe conditions, I have excellent learning environment.我有爱我的爸爸妈妈,我有富裕的生活条件,我有优越的学习环境。

9.With the pfe conditions improving, many dwellers of the top roofs want to change this.人们的生活水平不断提高,顶楼用户迫切地要求改变这种现状。

10.A Comparative Study on Life Conditions and Yields of Different Strains of Agrocybe chaxingu茶薪菇的生活条件和产量的对比研究