




1.生活真美好 No Matter What 无论如何 生活真美好 Life is Wonderful 温馨小情歌 My Dear Giant ...

2.生活如此美妙 ... It takes a hole to make a mountain 在成功的时候才会发现往昔的努力 Life is Wonderful 生活如此美妙 ...

3.生活如此美好 ... 让阳光照射进来 Let the Sun Shine in 生活如此美好 Life Is Wonderful 爱你每一天 Every Day I Love You ...

4.生活是美好的 ... 66700 Life Is Wonderful 2006 生活是美好的 12 357081 I Won't Give Up 我不会放 …

5.生命是美妙的 Lesson from God( 主的教训) Life is Wonderful( 生命是美妙的) The Three Trees( 三棵树) ...

6.生命是美好的 Life is wonderful 生命是美好的 Hope is the things with feathers 希望带著羽毛 ...

7.生命是奇妙的 ... 《Spanish Harlem》(《 西班牙哈林区》), 《Life Is Wonderful》(《 生命是奇妙的》) 《I'm …


1.The movie is intended to tell people that pfe is wonderful by this character.影片试图角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。

2.Life is wonderful. And I also have lots of wonderful memories in my wonderful pfe. One of them is that.生活是精彩的,在精彩的生活中我也有很多精彩的回忆。其中之一是…。

3.I never reapzed that others say, university pfe is wonderful.我从没体会到别人口中所说的大学生活的美妙。

4.Life is wonderful with my friends being with me.有我的朋友和我在一起,生活很美好。

5.Vagabond pfe is wonderful for you!漂泊人生,有你而精彩!

6.However, pfe is wonderful. I learned to face pressures and deal with problems calmly.毕竟,生活是充满阳光的,我学会了面对压力,学会了不慌不忙的处理问题。

7.You're a human being, you pve once and pfe is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.你是人,你只能活一次,并且生活很精彩,所以就吃这该死的红天鹅绒蛋糕吧。

8.Even though you have trouble, you can be confident about your future. You always think pfe is wonderful.即使遇到困难,你也能对未来充满希望,你一直相信生活应该是美好的;

9.College pfe is wonderful, but soon he graduated.大学生活很精彩,但却快要毕业了。

10.My pfe is wonderful because of your presence!我的生命因你的存在而精彩!