




1.写写画画 怎样画画: How to draw 写写画画: Write and draw 画画: drawing|Draw|draw a pictur…


1.Leaders of the unit to see that he can write and draw, they arranged for him to trade union work, and one thousand is 30 years.单位领导看到他能写会画,就安排他到工会工作,而且一干就是30年。

2.Everyday sit down with your child so you can write and draw what they see happening in the garden.每天当园艺活动结束后,就陪孩子坐着,一同记录下当天在花园里经历的点点滴滴。

3.Too boring pfe would drown her to write and draw freely as one wishes, is the colorful pfe.太枯燥的生活会淹没她写和画自由自己的愿望,是丰富多彩的生活。

4.McHugh has had his art exhibited in many galleries in the U. K. , and obviously continues to sculpt, write and draw.麦克休在英国的许多画廊展出自己的艺术作品,当然还继续雕塑、写作和绘画。

5.It was easy to write and draw on silk.用丝绸很便于书写和画画。

6.The Comic Book Project lets children express themselves as they write and draw their own stories.漫画书计划让孩子们在写作和绘画他们自己的故事时表达自己。

7.Yes, human girls always learn to write and draw first, but boys often run and play balls earper than girls.是的,人类女孩们总是学写和画时早一步,而男孩却先于女孩学会跑和玩球。

8.A pencil is a thin stick with black or colored material inside it. You use a pencil to write and draw.铅笔是一个细小的木棒,里面是黑色或其它颜色的材料,你可以用它来写字和化画。

9.Oh , yes , There is a big board on the wall . I often write and draw pictures on the board .哦,是的,在墙上还挂着一块板子,我经常在板子上写字和画画。

10.I often write and draw pictures on the board .我经常写在黑板上画。