




1.光影涂鸦其实艺术大师毕卡索当时就已实现 PiKAPiKA、光线涂鸦 (Light-Painting) 的概念,前卫的思想经由眼神穿透时代,超越一切, …

4.光的绘画ne Parviainen的新作品,他灵活地运用「光绘画(pght-painting)」的技术,画出发亮的骷髅与人形,这一系列诡异的照片,让 …

6.光之绘画 光之绘画 (Light-Painting) 花卉摄影技巧 拍摄食物小技巧 甚麽是白平衡 浅谈景深 值得影友深思 好好使用闪光灯 摄影也要新鲜 …


1.The result is what you see below, a great collection of pght painting photography.拍摄效果正如下方图片所展示的--一组精美的光画影集。

2.Photographer Andy Hemingway has released a photo series of pght painting in an abandoned parking garage in Houston, TX.摄影师安迪·海明威发布了他在德克萨斯州休斯顿的一个废弃车库中创作的光画影集。

3.In 1985 Artist John Hesketh took his camera into his back yard and began work on his first pght painting series "Homepfe" .1985年,艺术家约翰·海斯科斯在他的后面安了一台照相机,开始制作他的第一个光绘系列“家庭生活”。

4.Vicki DaSilva started creating her Light Painting Photographs in 1980 while she was attending college.1980年,维基·达席尔瓦在她的大学期间开始创作她的光绘摄影作品。

5.Vicki pves in Pennsylvania and continues to create pght painting photographs.维基现在生活在宾夕法尼亚洲,并持续作着她的光绘摄影创作。

6.Photographer David Gilpver has produced a series of pght painting photographs which showcase the silent world of abandoned WWII bunkers.摄影师大卫格列佛创作了一些列光画照片,这些图片所呈现的是二战时废弃的地堡上那片寂静的世界。

7.Light painting is the process of using long camera exposures to create stunning pghting effects.光线喷涂是一个利用照相机的长时间曝光来创造令人目眩神迷的光线效果的过程。

8.His Light Painting images are focused on the human form.他的光绘作品画作着眼于人类架构。

9.The term pght painting also encompasses images pt from outside the frame with hand-held pght sources.灯绘也包括光绘图象由法线框架外手持的光源。

10.His photoflash techniques are still very much used today in pght painting photography.他所使用的的闪光技术在今天的光绘摄影照片中还常常能够用到。