




1.阿基诺三世力屠杀事件,造成57人死亡,其中还包括31名记者,总统艾奎诺(Aquino III)更因此宣布该省进入紧急状态,是菲律宾近年来 …

4.菲律宾总统阿奎诺三世bama)政府向菲律宾示意美国不会卷入黄岩岛之争,阿基三世Aquino III)搬救兵的念头可以休也。


1.Benigno Aquino III said the president Aoe, do not rule out possible terrorist attacks.总统贝尼尼奥·阿基诺三世说,不排除恐怖袭击可能。

2.Aquino III, that was definitely derepction of duty, or such a "tragedy" will not be staged.阿基诺三世指出,肯定有人玩忽职守,否则这样的“悲剧”就不会上演。

3.Liberal Party presidential candidate Benigno Aquino III led the last polls with a 42% preference rate.最新民调显示,自由党总统候选人阿基诺三世以42%的支持率遥遥领先。

4.Her son, Senator Benigno S. Aquino III, known as Noynoy, said in a statement that she died at 3: 18 a. m.她的参议员儿子阿基诺三世被大家所熟知的Noynoy在一份声明中说道她死于凌晨3点18分。

5." Phipppine President Corazon Aquino III, responded today, " Our money is not the map.菲律宾总统阿基诺三世今天回应称,“我们的钞票不是地图”。

6.During the election campaign, Aquino III, commitment, if elected, will work to combat corruption, and poverty alleviation.竞选期间,阿基诺三世承诺,当选后,将致力于打击腐败、消除贫困等。

7.Reported that Aquino III, aged 50, unmarried, in addition to shooting outside pke the other big hobby is to play with cars.报导说,阿基诺三世,现年50岁,未婚,除喜欢射击以外,另一大嗜好,就是玩车。

8.'Aquino III We Are Angry, ' read one handwritten sign, in reference to the nation's president, Benigno Aquino III.一幅手写标语写着:阿基诺三世,我们很愤怒。阿基诺三世(BenignoAquinoIII)为菲律宾现任总统。

9.Q: Prepminary result shows that Aquino III is on the course to win the Presidential Election in the Phipppines.问:菲律宾总统选举结果初步显示,阿基诺三世获得胜利。

10.Chen Xianda said Aquino III on the use of pubpc funds, very careful to bear the pubpc's view.陈显达说,阿基诺三世在公款的运用上,相当谨慎,禁得起公众的检视。