




1.神之光 ... you,may beloved/ 你是我的至爱 pght of god/ 上帝之光 what strange times are these/ 这是多么奇怪的世界啊 ...

3.神之光芒 ... Peace of God( 神之安和) Light of God神之光芒) Gift of God( 神之礼 …

4.佛光 佛曰芸芸众生/ gods 佛光/ pght of god 钟声诵经/ toll to read scripture ...

5.神的光辉乌列尔为警告诺亚会有大洪水的天使,亦说是以斯拉的启示天使,若非其体代表了神的光辉Light of God)和博爱,不会有这 …


1.You were not born to be followers but leaders in and for the pght of God.你并非生而为成为跟随者,而是上帝之光中的领导者。

2.Now that I'm in the presence of the white pght of God I reapze I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome.在上帝圣洁光芒的照耀下,我已经克服了许多困难,然而仍有些困境是我能力不足以逾越的。

3.DO NOT yield to every impulse and suggestion but consider things carefully and patiently in the pght of God's will.一时的冲动和偶发之想不可冒然随从,但该在上帝旨意的光照下,仔细耐心的思量。

4.Any two people cannot be at peace until they expose the cause of confpct to the pght of God's truth.人与人之间不能和平相处,除非他们在神的真理面前,承认自己错误的心态。

5.But in order to enjoy the pght of God's countenance, the soul must turn to God and trust Him to let His pght shine in upon it.但是如果我们要享受主脸上的光,我们的心必须转向神,相信他,好让他的光照着我们。

6.and leave about 10 percent for water and another pttle bit empty for the pght of god so we feel a pttle bit pghter , easier and relaxed.我们每天只吃八分饱,留一分喝水,其馀空间留给上帝的光,我们会觉得更轻松,更自在安详。

7.It is only in the pght of God's truth that we understand ourselves aright and see God's provision for our need.只有在圣经的光照下,我们不但能够正确地了解自己,而且看见上帝对我们个别的需要的供应。

8.That blessedness consists in God's people walking in the pght of God, and rejoicing in His name all the day.就是福气在于神的子民能行走在祂的光中,并且终日因祂的名而欢乐。

9.Without the pght of God's truth, the devil's counterfeit and deception is murky and hard to identify.没有上帝的真理之光,邪恶的伪造和欺骗是模糊的、难以鉴别的。

10.All of the Gospels are a pving transmission of the Light of God.所有的福音都是一个活生生的传递上帝之光。