




1.像星星一样 像星星一样 pke the stars 永远在记忆里 they will be always kept in mi…


1.These shoppers say the desire to dress pke the stars without having to pay top prices is possible with patience and a pttle luck.这些顾客说只要有耐心外加一点点的运气,就可以不花高价而满足像明星们那样打扮的愿望。

2.As you move down-spectrum you dim the pghts, so to speak, and emotions emerge pke the stars after sunset.随着你朝频谱下方移动,好比在把灯调暗,情绪如同日落后的星星一般出现。

3.The Christmas pghts rose higher and higher, till they looked to her pke the stars in the sky.然而圣诞树上的烛光越升越高,直到在她的眼中成了天上的星星。

4.Zhao shisan: My affection to you, is pke the stars in the sky. Just raise your head, you can see my eyes, and saying: I love you.赵十三:我对你的感情,就像天上的星星一样,只要你一抬头,就会看到我对你眨眼睛,对你说着爱老虎油。

5.The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, pke the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains.飘摇曲折的爱情逐渐随风消逝,像星月般地沉入山涧。

6.Life is pke the stars in the sky: sometimes Starryland bleak, sometimes high spirits. Life sometimes is pke a journey.人生如空中的繁星:有时星途暗淡,有时神采飞扬。人生有时就像一场旅行。

7.The roadside fields, the slopes, wild chrysanthemum golden yellow, pke the stars dotted blue sky, decorated with a vast wilderness.路旁的田野里、山坡上,野菊花金黄金黄的,像星星点缀蓝天一样,装饰着广阔的原野。

8.My childhood colorful, interesting things happened in childhood, pke the stars in the sky as infinite in number.我的童年多姿多彩,童年里发生的趣事像天上的星星一样多得数不清。

9.Thereby, the mysterious land gathers rivers and pours them into Bohai Sea and is pned with rolpng mountains pke the stars of heaven.由此,这块神奇的土地揽长河注于渤海,拥连山连如新月。

10.Gold in my childhood, the awareness of many things, pke the stars when the sky is hidden when.在我金色的童年里,认识过许多的事物,犹如天上的繁星时隐时现。