


美式发音: [ˈgrɛgəri] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɡəri]





1.格里高利 ... 萨洛蒙 Salomon 格里高里- Gregory 负跟地球鞋 Earth ...

3.格雷戈里 Green 格林 Gregory 格雷戈里 Gresham 格雷沙姆 ...

4.格利高里 宾恩( L.L.Bean) 格利高里( Gregory) 北坡(乐斯菲斯)( The North Face) ...

5.贵格利 ... Greg 葛列格 Gregory 葛列格里 Grover 葛罗佛 ...

8.格列高里早在 1934 年,英国经济学家格列高里Gregory)就曾提出均衡汇率的概念。1935 年,凯恩斯在《国外汇兑的前途》 一文中 …


1.'You can put significant effort into creating a piece, ' said Dr Gregory, 'only to destroy it a few days later. '“画出这样一幅画,你会很有成就感。”格里高利博士说,“但是几天后就得把它销毁掉。”

2.WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl says with the outbreak just beginning, there are many things researchers still do not know.世界卫生组织发言人GregoryHartl认为这次的流感爆发才刚刚开始,研究者们对很多事情仍然不清楚。

3.The European calendar mandated by Pope Gregory in1583 is the only world calendar that did not intercalate at least two celestial cycles.欧洲历法被教宗格里高利于1583年指定为唯一的世界历法,至少没有插入两个天体循环。

4.Some of the great teachers of China appear to have had a similar view of the value of art to that held by Pope Gregory the Great.中国有些伟大的贤哲对于艺术的价值观似乎跟罗马教皇格里高里所坚持的看法相似。

5.Gregory was working as a tool and die maker in the wristwatch industry then, so he made a ring from a nickel and presented it to Alma.那时,格雷戈里是手表行业里一名制造工具和模具的工人,所以他用镍做了一枚戒指送给阿尔玛。

6.Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory? "后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”

7.Gregory XVI, at the AGE of eighty, held himself erect and smipng, which did not prevent him from being a bad bishop.格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的,但他仍是一个坏主教。

8.Michael Gregory, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets Economics, said the employment report was "emitting recession signals. "迈克·格里高里,BMO资本市场经济的高级经济师,说就业报告是“释放衰退信号”。

9.That's the point. Gregory didn't, and it didn't seem to faze him that the patient was very upset and close to hysterics.说到点子上了,病人十分烦乱,都要歇斯底里发作了,但这看起来并没有使Gregory担忧。

10.One day, when I woke up, it suddenly came to me that I was not a student any more------it is as sudden as Gregory's becoming a beetle.某天醒来我突然意识到,我已经不是一个学生了,变化像格里高利变成甲虫一般的突然。