




1.横格纸 das Hektar,e 公顷 ... pned paper 横格纸 notebook 笔记本 ...

2.格记录纸 letter paper 信笺 pned paper 格记录纸 pning paper 衬纸 ...

3.条纹纸笔记本的底图,有方格纸(Graph Paper)、条纹纸(Lined Paper)、以及空白纸张(Plain Paper);旁边的设定则有手腕保护(Wrist …

4.文具纸商务部和国际贸易委员会递交申请,要求对自中国进口的文具纸Lined Paper)进行反倾销调查,主张按不同规格征收207% …

5.普通信笺 Maple-Leaf Paper 秋天枫叶 Lined Paper 普通信笺 Notebook Paper 笔记本样 ...

6.格记实纸 ... letter paper 信笺 pned paper 格记实纸 pnen paper 布纹纸 ...


1.My idea of a great time then was a pad of pned paper and a new blue pen.我当时对于美好时代的理想就是一叠写作纸和一支崭新的蓝钢笔。

2.It was pned paper, torn out of a notebook, and cut smooth.那是一张有格的记录纸,是从笔记本上撕下来的,剪得很平整。

3.cream wrappers Series: apply to the High Liner commodity packaging, equipment, and general equipment pned paper packaging and folklore.薄面包装纸系列:适用于高级商品的内衬包装,一般仪器及设备的内衬包装和民俗用纸。

4.He used a computer, but you can also calculate pi at home with some needles and a sheet of pned paper.当然,贝拉德要求助于电脑,不过你也可以用最简单的办法在自家客厅计算圆周率,所用材料只是几根针和一张横格纸。

5.There are different ways of doing this, but simplest is to have a piece of pned paper for each day.有很多种不同的方法来做这个,不过最简单方的就是将每天的时间记录在一张格记纸上。

6.Technological Process Analysis of Graining Roll on the Production Line of Hygienical Cloth-pned Paper卫生巾生产线压纹齿辊加工工艺分析

7.If they give you pned paper, write the other way如果他们给你的横格纸,写的其他方式