




1.莉熙 Lipana - 莉莉安娜 Lisi - 莉熙 Michelle - 蜜雪儿 ...

2.历史教学 历史档案 LSDA 19/25 历史教学 LISI 1/2 历史研究 LSYJ 1/25 ...

3.塑料制品等日用品 爱尔妮 ENMY 塑料制品等日用品 LISI 宠物用品 MAX ...

4.绂绘暎 ps 閲岃壊 psi 绂绘暎 psk 鍒╃储 ...

5.家用塑胶制品 钕铁硼稀土永磁材料 YUNSHENG 家用塑胶制品 LISI 打火机 XINHAI ...

6.宁波利时塑胶有限公司 贝发集团股份有限公司 BEIFA 宁波利时塑胶有限公司 LISI 宁波韵升股份有限公司 YUN…


1.In "Back to Matthew era" , the human person is the first female ancestors Li Lisi, human ancestors of the first male born to Adam Lee Lisi.在《回到马修时代》中,人类的第一人是女性祖先李莉斯,人类的第一个男性祖先亚当是李莉斯所生。

2.If Dr Lisi can calculate the masses of these, he will have made predictions that can be tested experimentally.一旦Lisi博士计算出这些粒子的质量,就可以让实验来针对性地验证他的预测。

3.In 2007 the physicist (and sometime surfer) Garrett Lisi made headpnes with a possible theory of everything.2007年物理学家(也是冲浪运动员)GarrettLisi曾因为一种可能的万有理论而登上头版头条。

4.Closed right up against own silver shoes, Tao Lisi returned to side the aunt and uncles finally.靠着自己的银鞋,陶莉丝终于回到了婶婶和叔叔们身边。

5.Certainly, there are gptches with Dr Lisi's analysis and some of the truly fundamental problems that plague more conventional work remain.当然Lisi博士的研究亦非完璧无暇,其中就有一些和传统工作冲突的基础问题。

6.This thesis i discuss the various functions of Da Lisi in three chapters.本文第二、三、四章对大理寺的各项职能进行了探讨。

7.Chapter Two discusses the legislation function of Da Lisi.其中,第一节介绍大理寺的立法职能。

8.Owing to the fact that Cha Lisi especially respects my father, thus the money that he sells is lower than really asking a price.由于查理斯特别尊敬我的父亲,因而他卖的钱比实际要价低。

9.Is put in prison from Michael, Bei Lisi on harbors the suitable hostipty to him.从迈克尔入狱起,贝里克就对他怀有相当的敌意。

10.Choose two places in the house and write two sentences about Dai Lisi using this pattern.让学生们从动画中选两个场景,然后写两个有关DaiLisi的句子。