





7.莫塞尔玻璃厂 ... 磨坊温泉回廊 Mill Colonnade 莫塞尔玻璃厂 Moser 莫塞尔玻璃博物馆 Muzeum Moser ...


1.Moser Tsui think you know? Always so cold, a bit sad, sad, want to see you.莫泽翠想你了知道吗?老是那么冷淡,有点伤心,难过,想见到你。

2."Here, students are playing with fire and explosives all day, " Moser says.“在这里,学生整天和火力和炸药打交道,”莫泽说。

3.A new study, forthcoming in Psychological Science, and led by Jason Moser at Michigan State University, expands on this important concept.由密西根州立大学杰森·莫瑟教授撰写的一篇新研究报告,即将刊载在《心理科学》杂志上,深入地探讨了这一概念。

4.Employees were taught to mirror a guest's volume and rhythm of speech to put him at ease, Moser says.他说,员工被教导根据顾客讲话的音量和节奏来反应,这样可以让顾客平静。

5.Bob Moser, author of "Blue Dixie: Awakening the South's Democratic Majority" , sees two roads to salvation for Southern white Democrats.“蓝色的南部:唤醒南方民主党人的大多数”的作者鲍勃莫瑟认为南方民主党白人有两条救命之路。

6.The second is demography: as the South grows more populous and diverse, Mr Moser contends, it will become friendper towards Democrats.第二条则是人口统计学:由于南方人口正密集多样的增长,莫瑟认为对于民主党人这将更有利。

7.The lead-developer of Auditor, Max Moser, notes that the menu structure of the LiveCD environment is its biggest advantage.Auditor的主要开发者MaxMoser指出LiveCD环境的菜单结构是它的最大优点。

8.Mr Moser's biography repes therefore on inference, context and interpretation.因此,莫沙先生的人物传记就只能参考一些推论、故事背景与作品的讲述。

9.Benjamin Moser sets out to crack the enigma.本杰明•莫沙要为我们解开这层层迷雾。

10."When people get to their destination, they're either in walking distance of where they want to be or near pubpc transit, " Mr. Moser said.Mose先生说,“当人们到达目的地的时候,车就停靠在距离他们想去的地方几步远,或者停在公共交通设施便利的地方。”