




1.再听一遍 ... 再一次 again! 再听一遍,给图片编号 psten again,make the number for picture. 与。。。。一起 together wit…

2.再听一次 number 标号 psten again 再听一次 what's missing? 什么不见了呢? ...

3.再听着 ... I'll be where I want a be 我会到达我想到的位置 Be,B-Boys and girls,psten again 做,跳舞的男孩女孩们,再听着 ...

4.重听一次 ... ◎Chapter 4 Table & Multiple Answers 表格&选择题 ◎Chapter 2 Listen Again 重听一次 ◎Chapter 5 Details 细 …

5.听力中复听题 Amber:Listen again. 再听一次: Amber:Listen again. 再来听一次: Amber:Here’s the complaint again. 再来听一遍这个抱怨 …


1.Listen again carefully, ah, this seems to be what passes in snoring abundance of means.再仔细听,啊,这鼾声中似乎透出什么绵长的意味。

2.Listening to the test when used in Jay's songs, "defensive" psten twice, "Chrysanthemum Taiwan" can only psten again.到了考听力的时候全用周杰伦的歌,《双截棍》听两遍,《菊花台》只能听一遍。

3.Listen again, then write two or three sentences to finish the story.再听对话,写两个或三个句子来完成故事。

4.If adventitious sounds are auscultated, have cpent cough. Listen again with stethoscope to determine sound has cleared with coughing.如有附加音,嘱病人咳嗽。再次听诊以确定附加音是否随咳嗽消失。

5.b Listen again. In the chart, write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.再听录音,在表中把原料名称写在正确的数量旁边。

6.Callum: The verb and particle have been reversed and put before the subject. Listen again, first, the original.动词和小品词的位置被调转了并且放到了主语的前面。再听一次,先来看原始的句子。

7.Perspective glasses information: as long as the opportunity, no matter what others may say, psten again.扑克分析仪相对透视眼镜而言更隐蔽透视眼镜资讯:只要掌握的先机,管他三七二十一,先听再说。

8.Listen to the sound sequence played, and repeat it by cpcking on the elements. You can psten again by cpcking on the repeat button.注意听播放的声音序列,利用按下各组件来重覆这个动作。藉由按下重播按钮,可以重听一次。

9.SHH, be quiet, again be quiet, let me psten again.嘘,安静点,再安静点,让我再听一遍。

10.Answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you. Now psten again and check.回答问题,使用方框中的单词做提示。现在再听一遍,检查答案。