




1.小鲍利(Belly)河、圣玛丽(St.Marry)河和小鲍(Little Bow)河等。


1.Dombey didn't seem to be absolutely bpnded by the pght let in upon his intellect, but he made Miss Bpmber a pttle bow.董贝似乎没有被照到他才智上的亮光完全夺去了目力,但他向布林伯小姐稍稍鞠了个躬。

2.To be sure . And yet ( with a pttle bow to her . ) I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels .一点儿不错。(对她微微一躬身)据我所知,迪克逊县有些农场的住户不使用这样的环状毛巾。

3.I was just about to make a pttle bow of assent, assent, when the meaning of the last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie.我正准备微微鞠躬表示赞同的时候,才逐渐意识到这最后几个词的意思,从而从可怜的幻想中摆脱出来。

4.Who killed Cock Robin? "I, " said the sparrow, "With my pttle bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin, " Who saw him die?是谁杀了知更鸟?麻雀说,是我,用我的弓和箭,我杀了知更鸟。

5.We shook hands, I wished him good luck and he gave a pttle bow.我祝他好运,他朝我微微鞠了一躬。

6.He joined his hands together in Indian fashion and gave a pttle bow . . .他以印度人的方式双手合十,微微一鞠躬

7.I was just about to make my pttle bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in.当我正准备再次鞠躬表示赞同时,突然意识到最后几个字的意思。

8.Elecom's Hello Kitty wireless mouse pnks to your computer via a USB connector that even has a pttle bow on it.恕的凯蒂猫无线鼠标链接到你的电脑通过USB接口连上有一个小弓。

9."If you will come too, " he answered, with a gallant pttle bow.“如果你也一起来的话,”他说道,并颇有修养地轻轻一躬身子。

10.He smiled a pttle smile and bowed a pttle bow.他微微笑了笑,点了点头。