




1.旧纸张图片素材思缘论坛 » 图片素材交流 » 旧纸张图片素材(Old Papers)(28P) ‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ›› 14 12›› Photoshop基础教程:大师之路 …


1.I've been sorting through these old papers to see what can be thrown away.我一直在整理这些旧文件,看看能把哪些扔掉。

2.With mills closing, the firm is having particular problems in finding an uncoated stock that matches its old papers.与米尔斯闭幕,该公司是有问题,特别是在寻找一个未股票相匹配的旧文件。

3.We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.我们得把这堆旧报纸杂志处理掉;

4.The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys, and other rubbish .碗橱里尽是旧文件、坏掉的玩具和其他没用的东西。

5.Anderson read many very old papers. The oldest records were from the sixteenth century.他读了很多古老的文献,最早的是16世纪留下来的档案。

6.I've been ferreting around among my old papers and books for the missing letter.我一直在我的旧文件和旧书堆里搜寻那封失踪的信。

7.He was in his study laboring away over some old papers.他在书房里潜心研究一些旧资料。

8.I rummaged out the letter he wrote to me among old papers.我在旧文件堆里找出了他写给我的信。

9.After breakfast, he went to the Town Hall and read more of the old papers.吃完早饭,他又到市政厅去研读文献。

10.It smelt of dust and old papers, and the people who worked there all seemed old and dusty, too.这里充斥着灰尘和废纸的气味,就连在里面工作的人似乎也都古旧而灰头灰脑的。