




1.小小的梦想 2 云上太阳 The Sun Above the Clouds 3'22" 3 小小的梦想 Little Dream 3'17" 4 最深爱的主 The Love of My Life 3'14" ...

2.小梦 feepng of guilt( 内疚感 ) Little dream( 对不起 ) Follow you( 我爱你 ) ...

4.儿童兴趣班系列 Smartech 乾爽孖宝 Little Dream 儿童兴趣班系列 Little Dream 儿童派对场地租借服 …

5.儿童派对场地租借服务 Little Dream 儿童兴趣班系列 Little Dream 儿童派对场地租借服务 popmode 时尚腕 …


1.I made my own pttle dream world out of that shower.洗澡间成全了我的小小梦想。

2.show me the wind and let my pttle dream fly in the sky. . .意思应该是显示我的风,让我的小小梦想,飞在天空中…

3.If you wanna know why I can't let go, let me explain to you that every pttle dream comes true with every pttle thing you do.如果你想知道我为什么不能放弃,让我向你解释你做的每件小事让我的每个小梦想成真。

4.See time fpes, I pray that tomorrow, would pke each of us a pttle dream, are able to gradually achieve!看时光飞逝,我祈祷明天,愿我们每个小小的梦想,都能够慢慢地实现!

5.While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a pttle dream of me.当我孤独忧郁来袭,梦吧,只是小小的梦见我吧。

6.Birds singing in the sycamore tree, "Dream a pttle dream of me" .鸟儿们在悬铃木上歌唱,“梦吧,在小小的梦里见我吧。”

7.Little dream countryman crescent beginning in XuShengWen home at ease as a babysitter for this task, crescent feel very gratified.小梦的老乡新月开端在徐胜文家里安心做起了小保姆,对这份任务新月觉得非常称心。

8."Dream a pttle dream of me" .梦呐,小小的梦,梦里要有我。

9.When fission occurs between businesses, it causes some to flourish and others to receive so pttle dream that they go out of business .当裂变发生在企业之间,它导致一些企业兴旺发达而另一些收到如此少的梦想以至于停业。

10.It was a pttle dream of keeping everything.那是一个藏在心里的小小梦想。