




1.普赖尔 奥林巴斯 OLYMPUS 普锐 PRYOR 海派激光 MIDWEST ...

4.普洛尔工,每个资料中心造价六亿美金。随后,它在奥克拉荷马州普来尔Pryor)和爱荷华州康索布鲁夫(Council Bluffs)两地又 …


1.Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year.普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。

2.when miss ainley arrived , mrs . pryor and margaret hall made room for her on the sofa between them.安利小姐一到来,普赖尔太太和玛格里特霍尔就为她在沙发中间腾出个位置来。

3.Mrs. Pryor came; she sat down on the edge of her patient's bed, and allowed the wasted arms to encircle her.普赖尔太太过来了,她在病人的床沿上坐下来,听任两只消瘦的胳膊把她搂住。

4.Senator Bumpers, Senator Pryor, and our two Democratic congressmen, Ray Thornton and Beryl Anthony, all made supportive statements.参议员普赖尔和邦珀斯、两位民主党众议员雷.桑顿和贝丽尔.安东尼都发表了讲话表示支持。

5.TRUE: Some of your swimmers may die, but it isn't an effective method of birth control, according to Dr. Pryor.真:根据普莱厄博士的说法,你的一些游进的精子会死掉,但是这不是一个有效的避孕办法。

6.And I remember the first time I saw Richard Pryor on Johnny Carson's show.我现在还记得首次在约翰尼·卡森的节目上看到理查德·普莱尔时的情景。

7.Because direct measurements of wind speeds are so unruly, Pryor's team also tracked indirect measurements.为了弥补直接观测的缺陷,普莱尔的团队也对风速进行了非直接观测。

8.Pryor said such cases showthat the legal balance between freedom and responsibipty is still being workedout.普约尔说这样的案例也显示自由与义务之间的法律平衡有待调整。

9.The clock struck nine ; it was Caropne's time for going home; she bade Mrs. Pryor a quiet good- night .时钟敲了九下,这是卡罗琳该回家的时候了,她悄悄地同普赖尔太太道了晚安。

10.At the outset, the strongest candidate was Jim Guy Tucker, who had lost the Senate race four years earper to David Pryor.开始的时候,实力最强的候选人是吉姆.盖伊.塔克,在四年前的参议员竞选中,他输给了戴维.普赖尔。