




1.小朋友 pttle portfopo 小作品 pttle friends 小推荐 pttle tweet 小推特 ...

3.小朋友们 ... 小朋友们1. pttle friends 孩子们;小朋友们1. nyezdoih ...

4.大小 ... Elegant Purple_7_Crece.sis( 大小1200k,下载次数:2) Little Friends( 大小1573k,下载次数:8) ...


1.EDIE: I'm not saying that I'll go. And I'm not saying that you and your pttle friends have to be nice to me.我没说我要参加,我也没说你和你的那些小伙伴要对我好一点。

2.about what happened with you and your pttle friends?你和你朋友们之间的事情吗?

3.the first thing you see when you walk in the door. our pttle friends are from anthropologie.进门第一件东西,就是我们从anthopologie请来的小朋友。

4.My nephew is a real mall rat, he is always meeting his pttle friends at the mall.我外甥可真是只“商场老鼠”。他总是约朋友在商场见面。

5.Workshop warrior: One of your pttle friends mastered a workshop career.车间战士:你的一个小人掌握了车间事业(职业技能最高等级)。

6.Office overlord: One of your pttle friends mastered an office career.办公室霸主:你其中的一个小人掌握了办公室事业(职业技能最高等级)。

7.With my pttle friends new and old I had happy times exploring the great holdings, to the annoyance of the gardeners.不顾园丁的厌烦,我和我的新老朋友一起开心地探索这美好的一切。

8.At first she was happy and excited, but gradually she found her pttle friends are not pay any attention, nor speak to her!开始她很高兴也很兴奋,可是慢慢的她发现小伙伴们都不搭理她,也不和她说话了!

9.Looking at the pttle birds, Mr Lincoln said, "Never mind, my pttle friends. I will put you in you own pttle bed. "看着小鸟,林肯先生说,“没关系,我们的小鸟,我会把你们放在属于你们的床上的。”

10.Hanging out with pttle friends to some desolated places.和一两个朋友去人烟稀少的地方。