


美式发音: [troʊv] 英式发音: [trəʊv]






n.1.Same as treasure-trove2.a large supply of something such as art or information

1.被发现的东西 发现者 finder 被发现的东西 trove 发现者 detector ...

2.收藏品 trivial adj. 微不足道的 trove n. 收藏品 trudge v. 跋涉,吃力地走 ...

3.收藏的东西 收藏家收集的对象 collector's item 收藏的东西 trove 收藏物 museum ...

4.宝藏 「cacharel( 卡夏尔)」2013-14年… 「TROVE宝库)」2013-14年秋冬系… 「HOWL( …

6.贵重的发现物 ... faciptate: 使……容易,使……便利,推动 trove: 贵重的发现物 multinational: 跨国公司 ...

7.被发现物 trout 鲑 trove 被发现物 truancy 逃避 ...

8.收藏物 boast v. 自夸,以……为荣 trove n. 被发现的东西,收藏物 tranquil adj. 宁静的,稳定的 ...


1.But at the stern of the ship, divers found a trove of gold and silver and high-grade ceramics whose significance is more mysterious.但是潜水人员在船尾部发现了一个由金、银以及高级陶瓷打造的收藏品,这件收藏品的意义更加神秘。

2."Now, in his 200th anniversary year, we have found a real treasure trove right in the middle of Cambridge. "“现在,在他的诞辰200周年之时,我们在剑桥发现了这个真正的宝库。”

3.They have had the report about neutron initiators for some time, part of a trove of documents collected from different governments.一段时间之前,此机构已经写出了关于中子起爆器的报告,报告的有些部分来源于从不同政府搜集到的隐匿文件。

4.The fact that Google is sitting on an information treasure trove is one thing. Knowing how to take advantage of that fact is another.而现实是,谷歌拥有这样一个信息宝藏是一回事,而知道如何利用这个宝藏又是另外一回事。

5.Mr. Lei recalls the two spent every waking moment trying to resell their virtual trove.雷磊回想起两个人没日没夜地试图转卖他们窃取的虚拟财产。

6.To clump them all into one category is to miss out on a huge treasure trove of learning opportunities.把他们统统都笼统的归位一类,相当于让孩子错过一个学习机会的珍贵宝藏。

7.Yet, under the surface, it is a treasure trove of information about behaviors of the users, and trends at the local and global levels.但是,在这种通信的表面下,是一个珍贵的信息宝藏,揭示用户的行为以及本地和全球级别上的趋势。

8.The case also raises questions about why it took so long for federal officials to finally snare Chung and his trove of secret information.这个案件同样引起了疑问:为什么联邦政府花了这么长时间才诱捕了钟,发现了他收藏的机密情报。

9.Some U. S. officials cautioned that other materials in the trove showed bin Laden was often ignored by his underpngs.部分美国官员提醒,从拉登住处获取的其他材料表明,部下常对拉登不予理睬。

10.A trove of ancient tools discovered in the southeastern Arabian peninsula could point to an early migration of modern humans out of Africa.在阿拉伯东南部发现的一批远古工具能表明早期现代人走出非洲的一次迁徙。