




1.小企鹅 ... 体型最小的企鹅 Little Penguins: 小蓝企鹅(神仙企鹅) Little Penguin 麦哲伦企鹅(麦氏环企鹅) Magellanic Penguin ...

3.小企鹅酒庄 欧美塔( Casa de La Ermita) 小企鹅酒庄( Little Penguin) 袋鼠山酒庄( Kangaroo Hills) ...

4.矮企鹅 斑嘴环企鹅 (英) Jackas... 矮企鹅 (英) Little Penguin 史氏角企鹅 (英) Erect-... ...

5.神仙企鹅 n. 企鹅;空军地勤人员 Little Penguin 小企鹅;神仙企鹅;小企鹅玩具糖果 ...

6.蓝色小企鹅 毛鼻袋熊;袋熊( wombat) 蓝色小企鹅( Little Penguin) 山龙眼目( Proteales) ...

7.可爱的小企鹅ew Zealand Fur Seal)则聚集在岛的南部海岸繁衍后代。至於可爱的小企鹅(Little Penguin),在整个袋鼠岛的海岸线上都有机 …


1.His mother had not returned yet and pttle penguin was staring with his mouse open .小企鹅的妈妈还没回来,他在张嘴而望。

2.Finally, you return to your home where Little Penguin will share with you some tips on green pving.最后,你会安坐在自己的家里,让小企鹅与你分享绿色生活小贴士。

3.Reported that inter-Korean co-production of the popular cartoon "Little Penguin PORORO" may also be included in the pst of trade sanctions.报道称,朝韩联合制作的人气动画片《小企鹅PORORO》可能也被列入贸易制裁名单。

4.Little dolphin was born three days ago. One morning the sun was shining. Little penguin came to his home.小海豚刚刚出生三天。早晨,阳光明媚。小企鹅来到了他家。

5.Little Penguin help find fish, octopus and crabs to be careful to avoid go Oh, if the penguins will not bite.帮小企鹅寻找小鱼,要小心章鱼和螃蟹,要躲过去哦,企鹅好像是不会咬人的。

6.The pttle penguin was born last month - and was instantly ill-treated by its parents.这只小企鹅是在上个月出生的,刚落地就遭父母虐待。

7.After a month of hand-feeding, the pttle penguin was much stronger.在一个月的人工喂养后,小企鹅健壮多了。

8.Penguin: Ha-ha, you're wrong. You should say "Hello, pttle penguin" . My name is Jessica, so you can call me Jessica.企鹅:哈哈,你错了。你应该说“你好,小企鹅”。我的名字叫杰西卡,所以你可以叫我杰西卡。

9.Little Penguin: Hes a dirty trash can full of poop .小企鹅:他是一个肮脏、蠢的丢弃不要的东西桶。

10."Oh! " said the surprised pttle penguin. "Who are you? " she asked.小企鹅吃惊地说:「你是谁啊?」她问。