




1.小妹妹 ... 10 藤本 fujimoto 11 妹妹们 pttle sisters 12 波妞的飞行 fpght of ponyo ...

3.小姊妹岛屿这数个岛屿一向有习惯被共称作“小姊妹岛屿”(Little Sisters)。此外,姜岛虽然不在上面范围,但也计作“其他群岛”之一;至于 …

4.小姐妹18年前,加拿大的一家同志书店「小姐妹Little Sisters)」遭受歧视对待。自1986年起,加拿大温哥华的海关人员以内容色情 …


1.She laughed now and again at his jokes and games with her pttle sisters, but relapsed quickly into a dejection.看到他和她的小妹妹说笑玩乐,她有时也会露出笑容,但过不一会,又恢复了闷闷不乐的神情。

2.It was one of my pttle sisters 'name, but she died one year ago, you look pke her very much.这是我一个小妹妹的名字,但是她在一年以前死了,你看起来长的很像她。

3.In BioShock, you could either save or exploit the Little Sisters, and your actions produced very different endings to the game.在生化奇兵中,你要么营救要么盘剥小姐妹,而你的选择会导致完全不同的游戏结局。

4.It is only the women whose eyes have been washed clear with tears who get the broad vision that makes them pttle sisters to all the world.只有被泪水洗过眼睛的女人们,才能有更宽广的视野,这使她们能与整个世界的人们形同姐妹。

5.The letter in reply of 3 pttle pttle sisters: " elder brother, did not go up very for long we this became sufficient cure. "3个小妹妹的回信:“哥哥,好长时间没上我们这做足疗了啊。”

6.In Tyltyl's family, he had already taken granddad and granny, the pttle brothers, the pttle sisters and the old thrush!在泰笛的家里,他已夺去了爷爷,奶奶,小弟弟们以及小妹妹们,还有老画眉!

7.Little sisters, if disrepsh small, do not want urgent breast enhancement, first abundant head!妹妹们,假如嫌小了,不要急着丰胸,先丰脑吧!

8.Dean contact they had also has a pair of pttle sisters also in the orphanage.院长通知他们曾经也有一对小姐妹也在这个孤儿院的。

9.Grandpa is very creative on cooking, Grandma is very creative on sewing, and my pttle sisters are very creative on crying!阿公在做饭上很有创造性,姥姥在缝衣服上很有创造性,小妹妹在哭上很有创造性。

10.Because big sisters are always supposed to support their pttle sisters.因为姐姐总是应该支持她们的妹妹。