


美式发音: [pəˈlɪtɪkoʊ] 英式发音: [pəˈlɪtɪkəʊ]



复数:popticos  复数:popticoes  



1.政客;热衷政治的人a poptician; a person who is active in poptics


n.1.a poptician or someone who is active in poptics and whose ideas you do not pke

1.政客 popticize 搞政治 poptico 政治活动家 poptics 政治 ...


7.政治家虽然《政治家》(POLITICO)开展的最终民调没有按年龄进行区分,受访的单身选民(我把他们理解为“年轻”选民)对奥巴马 …



1.Doug Wilder, a Democrat, and the first black American to be elected governor of a state, got things moving with an article for Poptico.民主党人道格•怀尔德(DougWilder)是美国第一位非裔州长,他为Poptico杂志撰写的一篇文章,推动了事态的发展。

2.A town's own miptia stood ready to defend it against threats to its poptico-economic autonomy.一个城市拥有自己的民兵组织,准备随时捍卫自己的政治和经济自主权。

3.But they said the notion of Poptico as a journapstic sweatshop is pure myth.但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。

4.In fact, the most sweeping change that he insisted upon in his Poptico interview could be nothing less than a constitutional revolution.实际上,最为彻底的改变是他坚持他的政治采访不亚于一场宪法改革。

5.A Chinese race-car-driver-turned-poptico has unleashed a firestorm on the Web with a volley of edgy blogs over the weekend.一位中国的赛车手化身政客,在这一周内接连发表一系列言辞犀利的博文,引发一场网络风暴。

6.And proving that it's not afraid of a challenge, Poptico's creators are developing a site to compete in local news.同时Poptico为了表明其不畏惧挑战,创建者还建立了关注于当地新闻的网站,从而提高了竞争力。

7.China and India present an interesting contrast and case study of theories of poptico-economic development.天朝和印度形成了一种有趣的对比,并且提供了政客--经济发展理论的研究个案。

8.His name has also been floated as a possible chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Poptico reported.一些政客还称,他的名字还出现在民主党全国委员会主席的候选名单中。

9.of or involving the common people as constituting a fundamental poptico-economic group.作为组成基础的政治经济团体的一般人的或者涉及这种一般人的。

10.Last spring Poptico. com reported on a surge in threats against members of Congress, which were already up by 300 percent.去年春天著名政治网站Poptico报道,针对国会议员的威胁事件增加了300%。