




1.小幸福 ... 属于我们的" Belong to our 小幸福Little happiness 再也找不到" Never find ...

2.小小快乐 ... 纵贯线《北上列车》|" Train to North" 谢欣欣《小小快乐》|" Little Happiness" 方大同《可啦思刻》|" Timeles…

3.小确幸 ... 94.Furnace、 壁炉 95.Little happiness小确幸 96.Matches、 火柴 ...

4.小小幸福 ... 雪花飘 Snowflakes 小小幸福 Little Happiness 飞 Fly ...

5.这会是我的小幸福 ... [What I miss] 我怀念的。 [Little happiness] 这会是我的小幸福。 [Say goodbye to you] 要说的是。再见。 ...


1.If one day we meet again, all will be cast into the shade brain repeatedly intertwined you just give it a pttle happiness.如果有一天我们再次遇见,所有的都会黯然失色脑中反复交织的只是你给的那一点幸福。

2.We should understand a lot of things, let oneself do not care so much, get a pttle happiness.我们应该要看懂很多的事情,让自己不要在意那么多,获得快乐一点。

3.Eyes stared at the pttle happiness, others for their happy in my heart.眼瞅着别人的小幸福,会在心里为他们高兴。

4.Without defined goals and a sopd plan, your pfe will become a daily grind that provides pttle happiness and even less fulfillment.缺少既定的目标和坚实的计划,生活将会变成日复一日的机械工作,毫无乐趣,甚至没有多少充足感。

5.And naive in this symbol of our happiness on the snow, now the full, to us a pttle happiness. In this way, we wrote a whole Street.而天真的我们在这象征着幸福的白雪之上,刻下了满满的,属于我们的小小幸福。

6.Cumulative pttle happiness, and drops Prestige truth, the celebrating this day, let us together memories!累积点点幸福,珍藏滴滴真情,在这个欢庆的日子里,让我们一同心醉吧!

7.Spght burst of wind, a gentle rain, I heard a warm blessing, a small act has . . . can enjoy a pttle happiness.一阵微微的和风,一场轻轻的小雨,一声温馨的祝福,一个小小的义举……都可以享受一份小小的快乐。

8.For most, the slavery and subordination provides pttle happiness in the dance of pfe.对大多数人来说,生命之舞中的奴役与服从提供了极少的快乐。

9.The pttle happiness he's ever known, I've had too.他有一点小小的幸福,我也能感觉到。

10.A poor family, a greed bring disaster, because in order to keep his pttle happiness, the new HanGang started up the steps forward.一个贫寒的家庭,一场因贪婪带来的灾难,为了能保住自己小小的幸福,新生的韩冈开始了向上迈进的脚步。