


美式发音: [ˌeloʊ'el] 英式发音: [ˌeləʊ'el]

abbr.(=laughing out loud)【计】大笑

网络释义:英雄联盟(League of Legends);大笑(Laugh Out Loud);大声笑


abbr.1.【计】(=laughing out loud)大笑

abbr.1.[Computer](=laughing out loud)

na.1.laughing out loud: used in e-mails and text messages for showing that you think something is funny2.lots of love: used at the end of e-mails and text messages

1.英雄联盟(League of Legends) BXCM: 冰雪聪明 LOL:Laugh Out Loud, 大笑 PK:player kill, 砍人,攻击,也可解释为先批后K ...

3.大声笑 psten / 聆听 lol / 大声笑 lost / 失落 ...

4.哈哈 Orion: (天文)猎户星座 LOL:Laugh Out Loud [用于电子邮件中表示大笑]哈哈 bout: 一段,一 …

5.母女情深(Laughing Out Loud)<<母女情深>>(LOL)思路[1080P]本片是女导演丽萨.阿祖洛斯的第三部作品,也是她独立完全的第二部作品,她同时也身为本片的 …


1.LoL yeah we are a small country but it's not so focused on miptary, more on PEOPLE wellbeing and welfare you know. . .哈哈,尽管我们是一个小国,但我们的注意力并不在军事上,而是更加关注改善人民的社会福利。

2.LOL, Eve, it was a great joy to me to see you laughing again.哈哈,夏娃,这是一个巨大的喜悦让我来看看你笑了。

3.Chinese captain was held and China wants compensation? How much are they asking for? A day's wages? Ok, give him 100 RMB. LOL.中国队队长召开,中国要赔偿?他们多少要求?一天的工资呢?好吧,给他100元人民币。哈哈。

4.Dorothea: Okay, I am very glad to be here and I am ready to transcribe this message. Let's go (and maybe then I can go back to sleep-LOL).对,我很高兴我在这儿,我已准备好转录讯息。我们开始吧(也许之后我可以回去继续睡觉-大笑)。

5.damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for a week. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol.你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈哈。

6.China is buying over a bilpon dollars a year in gold and silver from Nevada too. . . so am I but in much, much smaller quantities, lol!中国一年从内华达采购的金银已过数十亿美元……和中国比我可是小巫见大巫了,呵呵。

7.Mote was spinning Christian hip hop, and I was "smitten" (LOL) so I sat down at a table and started sketching in my black book.尘埃纺基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲,我“重击”(LOL)我坐在一张桌子并且开始在我的很糟的书内素描。

8.A: . . . Wait a sec, that's not what I said(note: lol nice try xD). We will release the game only when it's completely done.答:不好意思请等一下,我可从来没这么说过。我们一再强调的是在这款游戏彻底完成之前,是不会被放出来的。

9.I was in front of him for 45 seconds just talking on how to spell my name! ! ! LOL.为了让他正确写下我的名字,我在他面前站了足足45秒钟!!!

10.At this rate, Google will be posting news of its exit with a few "lol" s and a smiley on Twitter.照这样下去,有一天谷歌就会在推特(Twitter)上用若干个“lol”(大笑)和笑脸符来发布其彻底退出中国的消息。