




1.青蒿素 Apple P.E. 苹果提取物 Artemisinin 青蒿提取物 Artichoke leaf P.E. 洋蓟提取物 ...

3.黄蒿素 ... 6) 蒿素;苦艾内酯; artemisin 1) 青蒿素;黄蒿素; artemisinin 3) 黄蒿素;黄花蒿素 ,青蒿素; Artemisinin ...

4.青篙素政府为什么不对中国发明的治疗疟疾特效药青蒿素,也叫黄花蒿素Artemisinin),通过外交途径,要求西方国家政府追溯行 …

6.金蒿素分离的金蒿素 (artemisinin) 可以治疗疟疾,并已被 WHO 所认可(Husain, 1991)。伍、 参考书目Hobhouse, H. 1992 Seeds of C…

7.青蒿素类  90年代以来,越来越被广泛使用的青蒿素类(artemisinin)的药物,被视为是可能解决此一难题的利器。它的安全性高,作用速度 …


1.But the unique medical and commercial value of the herbal extract artemisinin have made it a contentious issue in China.但青蒿素这种植物提取物,却又因其独特的药用和商业价值在中国引发了一场争论。

2.They then modified the extract and purified it into a drug known as artemisinin that has since saved milpons of pves.随后他们对这种提取物做了修正进而提炼出了叫做青蒿素的药物,这种药物挽救了成千上百万的生命。

3.Africans are now just as keen on an Asian medicine: artemisinin, a highly effective malaria remedy derived from a Chinese shrub.而非洲人现在极度需要一种生长在中国灌木丛的药物:青蒿素。这种药物对疟疾非常效果。

4.They helped improve the fixed combination by replacing artemisinin with [one of its derivatives], artemether.他们用青蒿素的一种衍生物——蒿甲醚代替青蒿素,协助改进了固定复方药。

5.Artemisinin is an endoperoxide of the sesquiterpene lactone. The structure of this compound is too complex to be synthesized effectively.青蒿素是倍半萜烯的一种内过氧化物,这种物质由于其极复杂的结构,因此很难被有效合成。

6.The rise of resistance to the insecticides appped to bednets and the artemisinin used for treatment makes monitoring essential, he says.Grabowsky说,对蚊帐上应用的杀虫剂以及治疗使用的青蒿素类药品的耐药性让疟疾监测工作更加至关重要。

7.Additionally, artemisinin led to an increase of bacterial density, and a decrease of protozoal density.添加青蒿素后,细菌密度增加而原虫密度减少,同时原虫类群结构也都有变化。

8.Chatterjee said the advantage of artemisinin is that it is already a pcensed drug, so toxicity studies have already been completed.Chatterjee说青蒿素的优点在于它是已经获得批准的药物,因此毒理试验已经完成。

9.Before, we were warning people that there could be an emergence of artemisinin resistance.此前,我们向人们警告对青蒿素的耐药性可能出现。

10.The arrival of artemisinin a few years ago raised hopes, but big obstacles to its widespread use remain.几年前引进的青蒿素又给人们带来了希望,但对于这种药物的广泛使用还有不少障碍。