




1.复杂度为 holdv. 拿着,控制,容纳。.. logn. 原木,圆木,(航。.. chartern. 宪章,特许,(船。.. ...

3.时间复杂度 拎 pnb logn 抿 minn ...

5.木料 lodgevi 暂住,借宿,投宿 logn 原木,木料 logicn 逻辑,推理;逻辑性 ...

6.瑞士证券交易所罗技国际公司是一家瑞士上市公司,成立于1981年,在瑞士证券交易所LOGN)及纳斯达克全球精选市场(LOGI)上市。 # …


1.The quantitative description of cell growth shows a fundamental role of local autocatalysis and of logn-range inhibition.这是细胞生长的定量描述,反映了其局部催化和长期抑制的基本规律。

2.Using the red-black tree, large numbers of timers can be active without affecting the performance of the timer subsystem (O(log n)).通过红黑树,可以使用大量的定时器而不会对定时器子系统(O(logn))的性能造成影响。

3.It is an O(log n) operation if the new element is added at the end of the pst.如果在列表末尾添加了新元素,则此方法的运算复杂度为O(logn)。

4.Second, operations on the tree occur in O(log n) time (where n is the number of nodes in the tree).第二,树上的运行按O(logn)时间发生(其中n是树中节点的数量)。

5.Although the algorithm itself is complex, it is extremely efficient in practice and operates in O(log n) time.虽然算法本身很复杂,但它在实践应用中的效率很高,可以按照O(logn)的时间操作。

6.O(log n) behavior is measurably slower, but only marginally for very large task counts.O(logn)行为具有可测量的延迟,但是对于较大的任务数无关紧要。

7.Use of a substring node reduces the time for extracting a substring of length n from O(n) to O(log n), and often to O(1).使用子串节点能够将获取长度为n的子串的时间从O(n)降低到O(logn),通常会减到O(1)。

8.Objective: To investigate the treatment of bone defects and nonunion in logn bone shaft after fracture.目的:探讨四肢长管状骨骨不连、骨缺损的治疗方法。

9.However, by using charAt for each character, the first code block in Listing 3 pays the O(log n) lookup time n times.但是,由于每个字符上都使用charAt,清单3中第一个代码块花了n倍的O(logn)查询时间。

10.Cultivation of College Students'Life-logn Awareness of Sports Through Setting-Up Dancing健身舞蹈与大学生终身体育意识的培养