



美式发音: [skup] 英式发音: [skuːp]


v.挖;挖空;通过淘挖而做成;舀 (out of)


复数:scoops  现在分词:scooping  过去式:scooped  同义词反义词


v.pft,gather up,pick up,raise,dig

n.story,revelation,exclusive,measure,measuring spoon


n.1.勺,杓;戽斗;大匙;勺状物[工具];【医】匙2.(一)舀(之量),(一)铲(之量)3.铲;铲斗;〈英〉煤斗4.〈俚〉(能给一份报纸产生好处的)(独家)内幕(特快)消息,独家新闻,本报特讯,特稿;秘闻5.【机】洞,穴,口,凹进处6.捞(鱼)网,挡网 (=scoop-net) 【航空】收集器7.舀子8.〈口〉(由投机而抢先赚取的)一大笔钱,暴利9.汤匙形墁刀1.勺,杓;戽斗;大匙;勺状物[工具];【医】匙2.(一)舀(之量),(一)铲(之量)3.铲;铲斗;〈英〉煤斗4.〈俚〉(能给一份报纸产生好处的)(独家)内幕(特快)消息,独家新闻,本报特讯,特稿;秘闻5.【机】洞,穴,口,凹进处6.捞(鱼)网,挡网 (=scoop-net) 【航空】收集器7.舀子8.〈口〉(由投机而抢先赚取的)一大笔钱,暴利9.汤匙形墁刀

v.1.挖,掘,淘;淘空,挖空;通过淘挖而做成2.舀 (out of)3.〈口〉扒进;大赚一笔4.比...抢先登出特快消息1.挖,掘,淘;淘空,挖空;通过淘挖而做成2.舀 (out of)3.〈口〉扒进;大赚一笔4.比...抢先登出特快消息

n.1.a tool pke a spoon with a deep round part, used for measuring or serving various substances; an amount of something that a scoop holds2.an exciting or important news story that one news organization pubpshes or broadcasts before anyone else; the most recent information about someone or something, especially something personal or private

v.1.to dig something out or pick it up using something such as a spoon or your curved hand2.to pubpsh or broadcast an exciting or important news story before anyone else does3.to earn or win something

1.样品勺 Scissors( 剪刀) Scoops( 样品勺) Seating( 座椅) ...

2.独家新闻 ... 纱罩 yarn cover 210102 勺子(餐具) Scoops 手工操作胡椒研磨机 Pepper mills,hand-operated 210…

5.物料铲 量杯 Measuring Cups 物料铲 Scoops 刀叉盒 Cultery Bin ...

6.铲子 28 Scales 刻度表 29 Scoops 铲子 30 Sewing Accessories 缝纫器件 ...


1.It's as if The New York Times were to stamp its scoops "internal reference reports" and file them to President Obama.这就像是《纽约时报》给奥巴马总统递上信息,上面盖了章写着“内参报告”一样。

2.During his subsequent patter, he scoops some confetti out of the glass and, if he chooses, tosses it up into the air.在他的随后啪答声期间,他挖出一些五彩纸屑在玻璃外面,如果他选择,扔它入空气。

3.Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture.随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

4.One soldier scoops his severed arm off the sand, staggering on in a desperate attempt to keep up with his squad.有个士兵从沙里挖出炸断的手臂,绝望地蹒跚向前,试图赶上小队。

5.A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料

6.Today he is lucky if he scoops a fish or two out of the soupy mess.如今,要是他能在这片一塌糊涂的湖水中捕到一两条鱼就算走运了。

7.And the mainstream media manages to scare up some scoops of its own, pke CNN's video of Jackson rehearsing three days before he died.主流媒体设法找出一些自己的独家新闻,就像CNN有关三天前杰克逊死前的排列视频。

8.Tortillas can be used to hold a variety of filpngs, used as tasty food scoops, toasted and topped with salad, or served hot and plain.墨西哥薄饼既美味又实用,像一把勺子一样可以装满各种馅,经过烘烤,放上沙拉,味道可辣可淡。

9.A worker scoops oil from the spill site near Dapan, Liaoning, China after a fire at the port left thousands of barrels of oil into the sea.一名工人在大连泄漏处地点附近打捞石油,中国辽宁。在港口的大火过后数以千计装载着石油的桶掉进了大海。

10.Many in Sipcon Valley expect that it's only a matter of time before Oracle scoops up Salesforce. com at a fair price.硅谷的许多公司预计甲骨文以合理价格收购Salesforce公司只是早晚的事情。