




1.长情万缕 古镜幽魂 Ghost of the Mirro 长情万缕 Long Way From Home 纯纯的爱 Love Love Love ...

2.离家很远 LONG WAY FROM HOME 离家很远 SPXET 标准普尔5月份看涨期权 ...

3.尸前想后 恋战冲绳 Okinawa:Rendez-vous. 尸前想后 Long Way from Home 辣手回春 H…

4.屍前想后 恋战冲绳 Okinawa:Rendez-vous. 屍前想后 Long Way from Home 辣手回春 H…

5.离开家的长路 ... It's an army on the march 队伍在行军中 Long way from home 离开家的长路 ...


1.I don't know. It's just a long way from home you know?不知道该怎么办,你知道好莱坞离我的家很远。

2.in a time Where the sun descends alone, I ran a long long way from home To find a heart that's made of stone.太阳在时间,如果属地的孤独,我跑一段很长很长的路,突然发现一个祭司的心,是石头做成的。

3.It is a long way from home, but we are always happy to be in Melbourne, to feel the country's passion for Formula 1.这里距离我的家乡路途遥远,但我总是很高兴呆在墨尔本,感受这个国家对于F1的激情。

4.They're a long way from home and miss their famipes, but many people here refuse to see them as human beings.他们离家很远,非常想家。可很多人都不把他们当普通人看。

5.They met in mud a long way from home, when pke was a five-star general and Wilpe and Joe were Gls.他们在远离故土的泥沼中相遇,当时艾克中五星上将,维利和乔则是将军。

6.We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless.我们离家已经很远了,她开始吠喊起来,然后变得焦躁不安。

7.The plant! Sent here to plant false information, make Vader fpp? I mean, you are a long way from home.卧底!被派到这里来散布假消息,以让维达犯错?我的意思是,你一定离家很远了吧。

8.Monica: Really. You're a long way from home. Welcome to Vancouver.莫尼卡:是这样,那你们可是远离家乡啊。欢迎你们来到温哥华。

9.Suddenly, China felt a long way from home.我突然间发现,中国离家是那么那么远。

10.Sydney was a long way from home.悉尼离她纽约的家很远。