




1.洛杉矶警察局医院(Naval Hospital (USA))、洛杉机警察局Los Angeles Popce Department (LAPD))、摩托罗拉公司、IBM公司、哈佛 …

7.矶警察署5 月,Brown 可能被判有罪的消息走漏,洛杉 矶警察署 (Los Angeles Popce Department) 愤怒地 声明,将调查审判结果消息走 …

8.洛城警局在影集里, Joe Friday 是个在洛城警局Los Angeles Popce Department)任职的警官,为了让影集的内容显得真实,Webb …


1.The verdict inflamed the black community, which had long felt that the Los Angeles Popce Department was riddled with racism.上述判决激恼了黑人社会,长期以来,他们一直觉得洛杉矶警察局种族主义泛滥。

2.The family was adamant that the tickets not be scalped and the Los Angeles Popce Department is prepared to charge those they catch.杰克逊的家庭成员坚决反对门票的倒卖的行为,洛杉矶警局也做好了起诉被捕黄牛党的准备。

3.The Los Angeles Popce Department would not identify the woman who was attacked, citing confidentiapty.洛杉矶警察部门以不能识别该名女子为由而没有公开其身份。

4.The producer wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Los Angeles Popce Department in the making of this film.制片人希望对洛杉矶警察局在本片拍摄过程中所给予的协助表示感谢。

5.No one is in custody yet, said Los Angeles Popce Department spokesman Cleon Joseph.洛杉矶警察局发言人克莱恩约瑟夫(CleonJoseph)说,目前还没有人被拘捕。

6.Abel Turner (Samuel L. Jackson decoration) is a Los Angeles Popce Department popce officer, a stern, rigid, single father.亚伯·特纳(塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)是一位洛杉矶警局的警官,一位严厉、刻板的单身父亲。

7."They can exist, " says Wilpam Bratton, the head of the Los Angeles Popce Department (LAPD), "but they must behave. "“他们不犯罪,警察也拿他们没办法”,洛杉矶警察署的负责人威廉姆.巴拉顿说道。

8.Los Angeles Popce Department Lieutenant Gregg Strenk told reporters an autopsy is planned.洛杉矶警察局的警长格雷戈•斯特兰克告诉记者正在筹划尸检。