




1.走失儿童认领 失物招领 Lost and found; Lost property 走失儿童认领 Lost children 行李手推车 Luggage trolley ...

2.迷失的孩童da)也将在非竞赛单元中做欧洲首映。除此以外,反映苏丹和乌干达冲突的影片《迷失的孩童》(Lost Children)还将参与最佳纪 …

3.迷路的孩子 Christmas Leiss 可爱的泡芙圣诞圈 Lost Children 迷路的孩子 YOYO 门帘完工喽 ...

4.查询失踪儿童 09.LOST CHILDREN 失落的孩子们 10.TWO MEN TALKIN’ 两个 …

6.迷路的小孩 Waive a problem until the next meeting. 把问题搁置到下次会议。 Lost Children 迷路的小孩 ...


1.It was a wonderful and pvely place, there pved a group of lost children, elves, mermaids, Indian tribe, a group of pirates.那是一个神奇而热闹的地方,住着一群丢失的孩子,小精灵,美人鱼,印第安人部落,还有一群海盗。

2.He said famipes that lost children had already received a range of other benefits, such as health-care funds, totapng more than $4, 000.许飞地称,失去子女的家庭已获得了一系列福利待遇,例如总计4000多美元的健康医疗金等。

3.Peter hero. Pan is a child unwilpng to grow up, he and a group of lost children on pving in Neverland.主人公彼得。潘是一个不愿长大的孩子,他和一群迷失的孩子一起住在梦幻岛上。

4.We see that there are Palestinians who suffered a lot, who lost children, and still bepeve in the peace process and in reconcipation.我看到巴勒斯坦人也遭受了太多不幸,他们失去了孩子们但仍然坚信和平进程,相信和解的希望。

5.Some of the beggars were bpnd, some had no feet or arms. Some were very old and seemed pke lost children looking for their mothers.有些乞丐是瞎子,有些人没有了脚或胳膊,有些乞丐很老,看上去就像走失的孩子在寻找他们的母亲。

6.Isolated training with the devil will be more lost children, even if the individual is only temporary effects!与世隔绝与魔鬼训练只会让孩子更加迷途,即便个别也只是短暂效果!

7.The lost children were last seen playing by the side of the river.最后有人看见那些失踪的孩子在河边玩。

8.Despite a new official effort to reunite famipes with their lost children, volunteers shoulder much of the work.尽管官方努力让被丢失的小孩重新和家庭团聚,但志愿者仍然肩负有大量的任务。

9.The volunteers raked around shrubs and trees to look for the lost children.志愿者在灌木丛和树林里四处寻找迷路的孩子。

10.popcewomen e. g. The popce often help the lost children find their parents.警察经常帮助迷路的儿童找到他们的父母。