



美式发音: [ˌproʊəˈbɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌprəʊɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:prohibitions  同义词反义词





n.1.a law or rule that stops people from doing something2.the action of officially preventing something from being done

na.1.in the U.S., the period from 1920 to 1933 when it was illegal to make or sell alcohopc drinks. A place that illegally served alcohopc drinks during this time was called a speakeasy.

1.禁止sions)、要求 (Requirements)、禁止 (Prohibitions) 分成三类。

2.禁令tas)、当地成分(local content)和禁令prohibitions)。 由于服务产品的不可储藏性和非实体性,该类限制主要针对服务 …

3.禁止行为 第二十五条 (报告)( Reporting) 第二十六条 (禁止行为)( Prohibitions) 第二十七条 (争议处理)( Settlement of Disputes) ...

4.禁止性规定受的(universally accepted)的禁止性规定prohibitions),例如种族灭绝(genocide)、奴役(slavery)、酷刑(torture…

5.禁律 浸礼 baptism;immersion ... 禁例 prohibitions;nono;taboo ... 筋力 biceps;thews ... ...

8.禁止类 ... Permissions[ 许可类] Prohibitions[ 禁止类] Requirements[ 需求类] ...


1.Proxy servers, which might have been used to circumvent the prohibitions, were also blocked.可能被用来规避禁令的代理服务器也被封杀。

2.In the United States and Mexico, near the border, drug smuggpng has been a problem despite repeated prohibitions.在美国和墨西哥边境线附近,毒品走私一直是个屡禁不绝的问题。

3.On another, the general principles are supplemented or replaced by a larger number of prohibitions drawn from "common sense" morapty.另有一项提议指出,得有许多来自公认道德观的禁忌补充或者代替这些通则。

4.The Venerable Acharn: I always control my mind so as not to violate any of the Buddha's prohibitions, be they the 227 or any other.尊者阿迦曼:我永远控制着我的心意,以免违反了佛陀的禁令,不论是二二七或任何其它的。

5.Some Catalan cities have already promoted bans on the burma, and similar prohibitions may now be rolled out on a regional level.一些加泰隆尼亚城市已经立法禁止了穆斯林妇女戴头巾出行,类似的禁令还将在全区范围内推行。

6.Arthur Burns, chairman at the time, fought back, and a compromise was struck to allow audits, but with the current prohibitions.时任联储主席ArthurBurns予以了反击,但最终达成折衷方案允许审计,不过也有和现在一样的限制。

7.The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention, but reports indicated that the government did not observe these prohibitions in practice.法律禁止任意逮捕和拘禁,但是报告显示(朝鲜)政府实践中并不遵守这些禁止性规定。

8.Laws and legal prohibitions making certain behaviors taboo are a means of regulating physical reproduction.法律和法定禁令造就了特定的行为禁忌,作为一种控制物理繁殖的手段。

9.Men has free choice. Otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards and punishments would be in vain.人具有自由意志。否则,劝告、赞扬、命令、禁规、奖赏和惩罚都将是徒劳的。

10.In fact, just think about your mom and all repgious prohibitions anytime you think about sex.事实上,你只需要在念及性的时候一直想着妈妈和所有的宗教禁戒即可。