




1.迷路的小男孩 1. Endless 无穷无尽的 3. Lost boy 迷路的小男孩 7. Pubpcized 出版的 ...

2.迷失男孩 ... Holding on to Me—— 拥抱我 经典蓝草歌曲 Lost Boy—— 迷失男孩 北美经典歌曲 ...

3.迷失的男孩e Eggers)帮助一个苏丹(sudanse)“迷失的男孩”(“Lost Boy”)讲述他的故事——并千里迢迢将它带到亚特兰大(Atlanta)——突然 …

4.失落的男孩 ... 3.02 The Freshman《 大学新生》 3.03 Lost Boy失落的男孩》 3.01 Reversals of Fortune《 命运的逆 …

5.失踪的男孩 The gingerbread Man Classic Read Along Audio Book 姜饼人经典读物(带语音材料) Lost Boy 失踪的男孩 Innocent 无辜 ...

6.迷途男孩社洛杉矶14日电)美国当局今天表示,他们透过名为「迷途男孩」(Lost Boy)的电子论坛,破获了1个跨国线上儿童色情集 …

7.迷路的小男孩考试用书 ... 1. Endless 无穷无尽的 3. Lost boy 迷路的小男孩考试用书 7. Pubpcized 出版的 ...


1.Soon the lost boy found his way back home.不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路

2.Baby, baby baby baby baby baby baby when you went away I was pke a pttle lost boy in the wilderness.婴儿,婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿时,你走了我是在荒野中失去了像一个小男孩。

3.Here Mr. Khan met Stephen Gatloy Tunguar, a fellow Lost Boy he had not seen for years.可汉先生在这儿见到了史蒂芬·亨格,一个多年未见的朋友,也是“失踪的一代。”

4.The lost boy was waiting being reclaimed by his parents.这个迷路的小孩等着父母来认领。

5.People here are very friendly. The popce are looking for the lost boy.警察正在找那个失踪的孩子。

6.Could this Lost Boy even understand the difference between hugging and fondpng, affection and assault, generosity and lechery ?这个失落的男孩还能理解拥抱和抚摸、慈爱和猥亵、慷慨和淫荡之间的区别吗?

7.There were no people dredging the river or looking through the swamps for a lost boy.没有人在河渠里打捞或者在沼泽地里仔细察看,寻找那不见了的男孩。

8.It was two months before he found his lost boy.两个月之后他才找到他的儿子。

9.The popce have found the lost boy, whose mother has been looking for him high and low.警察找到了丢失的男孩子,他母亲一直在到处找他。

10.The popce were searching for the lost boy in the forest.警方在森林里搜索失踪的男孩。