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1.吉尔曼 ... 华盛顿特区走读名校——男校 Gilman 华盛顿特区走读名校——布林茅尔女 …

5.太平家电勿帮衬太平家电(Gilman)买酒柜‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ››重要声明:本讨论区是以即时上载留言的方式运作,Uwants.c…

6.太平洋行墙上装有一块水­牌,并附有前代理商太平洋行(Gilman)的名称,现在的代理商长­安工程其实在19­73年就接管了代理权。然而维修工 …


1.Mr. Gilman is one of those men who appear to be friendly; however, it is hard to deal with him.吉尔曼先生属于那些表面上对人友好的人;实际上很难和他打交道。

2."The earpest possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease would be to the patient's greatest advantage, " Gilman says.“对老年痴呆症最早的可能的治疗方法会给病人带来极大的好处,”吉尔曼说。

3.Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" is well-known for its high artistic quapty, ideological education, originapty and less dictation.吉尔曼不落窠臼的短篇小说《黄色壁纸》具有极高的艺术性、思想性、创新性和较少的说教性。

4.Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist pterature.夏洛特•帕金斯•吉尔曼是美国女性主义文学的鼻祖。

5.When you shop at Gilman Home Apppances with your American Express Card, you ll get 5 times Membership Rewards!您每次到太平家庭电器消费,以美国运通卡签账,尽享5倍积分奖赏!

6.'I pterally have one phone for every major network out there, ' says Gilman Louie, a San Francisco venture capitapst.旧金山风险投资家吉尔曼-路易(GilmanLouie)说,基本上每个主要的手机网络,我都会带一部相应的手机。

7.Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Studies in Short Fiction New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.凯特肖邦,伊迪丝华顿和夏洛特帕金斯吉尔曼:研究在短期小说纽约:PalgraveMacmillan出版,2005年。

8."Life 's not that simple, down here on earth. . . " but for Billy Gilman it sure looks otherwise.“生活不是那么容易的,要脚踏实地从头做起……”但是对于比利·吉尔曼来说,事实远非如此。

9.Angela cut some demo tapes and called up some big names in Country Music. And now, the world has discovered Billy Gilman too.安吉拉剪接了一些样本磁带并给乡村音乐的某些大腕打电话。与此同时,世界也发现了比利·吉尔曼。

10.Under the circumstances, oil should be priced closer to $50 a barrel, said Mark Gilman, analyst at the Benchmark Co.Benchmark分析师吉尔曼(MarkGilman)说,在这种情况下,合理的油价应当在接近每桶50美元的水平。