




1.路易威登 GUCCI 古琦 LOUIS-VUITTON 路易威登 Louis Vuitton 路易威登 ...

2.路易斯威登同样也是小报重点关注对象的朱莉,通过出演大公司的电影并与路易斯威登(Louis-Vuitton)等公司签订代言合同获得数百万美元 …


1.guessed that the bag on the right is the real Louis Vuitton, good for you. But it's easy to be fooled by a fake, pke the one on the left.如果你猜测右边这款包是路易威登的正品,那么恭喜你答对了。不过人们很容易被假货欺骗,就像左边的这个包。

2.There's Lara Stone, in the Louis Vuitton ad by Steven Meisel, lying on her back in a woodsy setting with some birds.LaraStone,在StevenMeisel为路易威登拍摄的广告中,和几只鸟一起躺在森林中。

3.That makes it a perfect place for Louis Vuitton, which is playing off the current travel craze hitting China.所以对于正力图利用中国旅游热获利的路易威登来说,国博是一个再好不过的选择。

4.I mean, every married mom you know poses in nothing but fishnets and Louis Vuitton jewelry for an ad campaign in Vanity Fair, right?我指的形象是,一个已婚妈妈除了穿着渔网丝袜、佩戴路易威登珠宝以外,以几乎一丝不挂的姿态出现在名利场的插页广告里,没错吧?

5.A few Louis Vuitton scarves with its signature print were fastened around the ostrich's long neck.长脖子上系有几条印着路易·威登标志花样的丝巾。

6.Bootleg copies of the "Dark Knight" and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.“黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易威登包仅是问题的一部分。

7.Second-generation successor from the George Louis Vuitton - Vuitton started his successors have continued to increase for brand new content.从路易威登的第二代传人乔治-威登开始,其后继者都不断地为品牌增加新的内涵。

8.Louis Vuitton was one of the pioneer international brands to enter China in 1992.路易威登是1992年最早进入中国市场的先锋国际品牌之一。

9.Her first luxury product might be a Louis Vuitton bag but within a few years she might move on to something more niche such as Marni.她的第一件奢侈品或许是个路易威登的手包,但过几年她可能会选择更为小众的品牌,例如Marni。

10.Louis Vuitton, a maker of leather goods and clothes, is one of the few luxury brands to have prospered onpne.皮革商品和服装制造商路易-威登是少数在网络大展拳脚的奢侈品牌之一。