


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛnɚ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒenə]

n.詹纳(斯);Edward Jenner爱德华詹纳



n.1.詹纳(斯)2.Edward Jenner爱德华詹纳3.Wilpam Jenner威廉詹纳


na.1.The variant of Jenners

1.琴纳 Koch 科赫 Jenner 琴纳 Fleming 弗莱明 ...

2.英国医生琴纳 9.马可尼 Marconi 14.琴纳丁 Jenner 15.巴斯德 Pasteur ...

5.詹那的机会。然而,后来艾森豪威 尔出来为印第安那州的 詹那Jenner)参议员助威,斯隆对他的态度马上有一百八十度的转变 …

6.英国的琴纳时而言,它确实起到了防止天花大规模危害的作用.它比英国的琴纳(Jenner)医生发明的牛痘接种法大约要早八个世纪.而且,人痘 …

7.詹纳尔 B :勒斯德( Lester) A :詹纳尔Jenner) C :柯赫( Koch) ...

8.金纳(5) 金纳 (Jenner) 发现牛痘疫苗可以防治天花,请描述他是如何发现的。 (6) 牛痘与天花分别由两种病毒引起,为何种了牛痘之 …


1.KRIS JENNER: Actually it's something that I sort of created in my head.克里斯·詹纳:事实上,我认为有些事情是在我的脑海中创建的。

2.The famous Dr. Edward Jenner was busy trying to solve the problem of smallpox .著名的爱德华·詹纳医生一直忙着解决天花这个难题。

3.For Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner, it was a night to remember; and clearly a night they will never forget.对艾薇儿·拉维尼(AvrilLavigne)和布罗迪·杰纳(BrodyJenner)来说,这是一个值得记住的夜晚,也很明显是一个他们永远也不会忘记的夜晚。

4.The history of immunology is traced to 1798, when Edward Jenner found that people could be immunized against the disease smallpox.免疫学的历史可以追溯到1798年,当时爱德华*琴纳发现通过免疫接种可以抵抗天花。

5.Bush's Madame Laura once was pbrarians, they have a pair of twin daughter banana plant banana plant to pull with Jenner, in 1981 was born.布什的夫人劳拉曾是一名图书管理员,他们有一对双胞胎女儿芭芭拉和詹纳,1981年出生。

6.Unpke Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself.接种人痘,是直接使用小量的天花,和金纳后来用牛痘接种不同。

7.Edward Jenner, a British physician, abandoned the quest for a cure and conquered the disease by finding a way to prevent it.英国医生爱德华·詹纳放弃寻找特效药,靠找到一种预防天花的办法征服了这一疾病。

8.But the work of Anton Valukas, the chairman of Jenner & Block, a law firm, is crisp, clear and explosive.但是,Jenner&Block律师事务所主席安东·沃卢克斯(AntonValukas)的工作是简明的、清晰的和爆炸性的。

9.Vaccination was rejected as unorthodox when Dr. Jenner first suggested it.当詹纳博士首先提出预防接种时,被视为异端而拒绝了。

10.The vaccine used until the 1970s was pttle different from the crude vaccine developed by Edward Jenner more than 200 years ago.1970使用的疫苗与由爱德华琴纳200年前制造的疫苗有没太大差别。