




1.奥尔科特 18. Little Women,Louisa May Alcott 小妇人,露意莎·梅·奥尔柯特 20. War and Peace,Leo Tolstoy 战争与和平,列夫·托尔斯 …

4.阿尔科特 Collected Writings 作品选 • Louisa May Alcott 路易莎•梅•奥尔科特 Little Women 小妇人 • ...

6.路易莎·梅 ... 约拿旦·斯威夫特( Jonathan Swift) 路易莎·梅. 奥尔科特( Louisa May Alcott) 丹尼尔·笛福( Daniel·Defoe…

7.刘易丝·梅·阿尔科特 ... Flower Fables( 花的寓言) Louisa May Alcott( 刘易丝·梅·阿尔科特) FINDELKIND( 芬得 …

8.路易莎·奥尔科特 ... 《小妇人》----路易莎·奥尔科特Louisa May Alcott) 《悲惨世界》---维克多·雨果( Victor Hugo) ...


1.I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, bepeve in them and try to follow them. ----LOUISA MAY ALCOTT.也许我实现不了这些抱负,但我可以仰望可以欣赏可以信仰,并且尝试着去准求。

2.One book is called "Behind a Mask: The Unknown Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott. " The book includes four mystery stories.其中有一本《面具背后:露伊萨·玫·艾尔考特不为人知的惊悚》,包括四个神秘的故事。

3.A few, Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, among them, volunteered to nurse the wounded.其中还有一些妇女,例如路易莎.梅.爱尔考特(LouisaMayAlcott,也就是小妇人的作者),自愿担任护士照顾这些伤患。

4.Louisa May Alcott wrote dozens of unremarkable stories and a novel before the Civil War intervened.在美国内战之前,路易莎•梅•奥尔科特(LouisaMayAlcott)写了几十篇不知名的故事和一部小说。

5.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Louisa May Alcott's most famous book, "Little Women" , tells the story of the March family of Concord, Massachusetts.路易莎五月奥尔科特的最有名的书,“小妇人”,讲述了美国马萨诸塞州康科德,三月家庭的故事。

6.BOB DOUGHTY: Louisa May Alcott wrote many exciting stories about love. Yet she never married.露伊萨写过不少引人入盛的爱情故事,她本人却从未结婚。

7.Louisa May Alcott: Love is a great beautifier.路易莎梅奥尔科特:爱是伟大的美化家。

8.Little Women is a novel pubpshed in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott.小妇人是在1868年出版了小说,由美国作家路易莎梅艾考特撰写。

9."Rich people have about as many worries as poor ones, I think" (Louisa May Alcott).“我认为富人和穷人的烦恼一样多”(路易莎·梅·阿尔科特)。

10.At first, the writer, Louisa May Alcott, was not sure she wanted to do it.一开始,这位名叫露伊萨·玫·艾尔考特的作家不肯定自己想写。