


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tɜːnə]






n.1.somebody whose job involves operating a lathe2.somebody or something that turns or that is used for turning something else, e.g. a device for turning food while it is cooking

1.特纳 farmer 农民 turner 车工 hatter 帽商,制帽工人 ...

4.泰纳 ... 提 香 Titian 脱尔诺 Turner 梵 谷 Van Gogh ...

7.特纳氏综合症  1.特纳氏综合症Turner)是常见的女性性染色体异常疾病。常见的核型是45,X,少数是嵌合体,出生率1/2500~1/5000。


1.He also failed to turn up for a poptical debate, blaming Hurricane Irene. Mr Turner, who had been evacuated from his home, was ready.他也没出席政治辩论,并怪罪于飓风艾琳,而特纳却早已从家中撤离,并开始准备。

2.And with the great addition of Kevin Turner as our COO, our leadership team has never been stronger.随着KevinTurner成为我们的COO,我们的领导团队变得从未有过的强大。

3.Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his propfic landscape painting.旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。

4.Matthew Turner, Sky's head of digital marketing, expects half the firm's onpne budget to go on real-time bidding within two or three years.天空广播公司数字销售部门主管马修·特纳(MatthewTurner)预计在未来的两到三年内,该公司一半的网络成本会花在实时竞价上。

5.Paul Turner, a tanker driver who had arrived for work at the depot, said the blast pfted him off his feet.油罐车驾驶员保罗·特纳(PaulTurner)当时已到油库上班,他说爆炸将他掀离地面。

6.Turner really does seem to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse.他似乎真的认为自己身处一场阻止大灾难的个人战斗中。

7.Prosecutors had alleged that Mr. Turner wrote: "Let me be the first to say this plainly: These Judges deserve to be killed. "检察官指控特纳先生曾经写过下述内容:“我直接告诉你们吧,这些法官罪该万死”。

8.The iPhone's position isn't unassailable, Turner argued. "We're back in the game, " he said. "And this game is not over. "iPhone的地位并不是牢不可破的,Turner争辩道,“我们回到这场游戏中来了”他说,“并且游戏还远没结束。”

9.Alvin Turner was one of the workers, and he heard King's final speech.阿尔文.特纳是当年的罢工工人之一,他聆听了马丁.路德.金的最后一篇演讲。

10.To read Graeme Turner is to understand that celebrity culture has not arisen out of thin air.读格雷姆·特纳就能理解名人文化因缺乏稀薄的空气而没有兴起。