





2.爱情让人快乐明星时有很大的不同,但与她1949年在第一部电影《爱情让人快乐》(Love Happy)里的模样没有太大差异。

3.爱之欢乐es of the Chorus) (1948年)爱之欢乐Love Happy)(1949年)去托马霍克的票(A Ticket to Tomahawk)(1950年)柏油丛林…

4.爱尚幸福 ... 销魂倩女 Ladies of the Chorus 周身法宝 Love Happy 去托马霍克的票/西游记 A Ticket to Tomahawk ...

7.幸福的爱情的票》(ATicket toTomahawk)、《幸福的爱情》(Love Happy)、《柏油丛林》(The Asphalt Jungle)、《彗星美人》(All about …

8.乖乖的幸福 ... (十);贪恋那缕阳光╮ Cpng to the sun have (十二);~乖乖的幸福~ Lo


1.Acquaint with friend, YuCheng department, a true friend, regardless of where the body always pay close ZhuWuYou and love, happy New Year!相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论在身何处,总时时付出关和爱,祝吾友新年快乐,吉祥如意!

2.It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else, but if has meat to be , it will be. . .看到你爱的人与别人共渡幸福,心碎了…但这就是天意难违,命该如此…

3.Because " Daughter is Father's forever angel and love" , Brother quite agree to it, it is his great happiness to make his love happy.因为“女儿是父亲永远的天使和情人”,老哥一向赞许这句话,能让女儿快乐也是他最幸福的事。

4.Never miss an opportunity to make someone you love happy, even if you have to leave him alone in order to do it.永远别错过让你爱的人开心的机会,即使是为了他的快乐而不打扰。

5.I love u with my heart and soul, U can never have too many hugs or too much love. Happy Mother's Day and happiness always!我全心全意地爱你,再多的拥抱和爱给你也不够,母亲节快乐,永远快乐!

6.It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else.看到你所爱的人与某人一起很快乐会让你情伤。

7.Also, I wish you full of love can always be in love, happy sweet!同时,我祝愿充满爱的您也能永浴爱河,幸福甜蜜!

8.She next won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy. " It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers.后来,她在《娱乐至上》中扮演一个小角色,这是一部由著名马克斯兄弟主演的喜剧。

9.O, what a happy title do I find, Happy to have thy love, happy to die!啊,我找到了多么幸福的生命之题,幸福地拥抱你的爱,幸福地死去!

10.Erin says: Always smile. Most men love happy drama-free, toothsome women. It's the best move you can make.艾琳说:永远的微笑。大多数男人爱高兴的女人。这是最好的举措。