




1.劳尔梅里恩978高度:198 cm体重:99 kg学校:罗沃玛伦高中(Lower Merion) 辉煌表现 参加2002年NBA总冠军赛,对手是纽泽西篮网队…


1.The new gym at Lower Merion High School will be named in honor of one of its most famous recent graduates.劳尔梅里恩高中新的体育馆将会以其最著名的应届毕业生之一命名。

2.Robbins and his parents have filed an action against the school district of Lower Merion in an affluent suburb of Philadelphia.Robbins和他的父母已经对LowerMerion教育局提起了诉讼,这是一个费城富庶的郊区。

3.A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition.一个壮观的下美浓高中高中在费城郊区的劳尔梅里恩高中生涯,带来了国家的承认。

4.Bryant graduated from Lower Merion in 1996 where he led the basketball team to a state championship.科比1996年毕业,他带领篮球队从在劳尔梅里恩高中得到州冠军。

5.Kobe's study at Lower Merion Hifg School brought him a lucky beginning.科比在费城劳尔梅里高中的学习给他带来一个幸运的开端。

6.It continued at Lower Merion (Pa. ) High, where Bryant played high school basketball after his family moved to Philadelphia.当科比居家搬迁到佛罗里达的时候,科比的这种习惯还伴随着他在马里昂中学联赛的日日夜夜。

7.The Lower Merion School District in suburban Philadelphia last year issued an Apple laptop to each of its 1, 800 high-school students.位于美国费城郊区的劳尔梅里恩学区去年向1800名高中学生每人发放了一台苹果笔记本电脑。