




1.卢卡·布拉西 Change of Plans|杉尼之死 □卢卡·布拉西( Luca Brasi) □索络佐( Sollozzo) ...

2.路卡布拉兹 ... 杀手 克里蒙沙( Peter Clemneza) 路卡布拉兹Luca Brasi) 保利加托( Paupe Gat…


1.The Senator, pke Luca Brasi, was one of the great stones in the Don's power structure, and he too, with this gift, had rework his loyalty.那个参议员,象卢卡·布拉西一样,是堂权力结构的重要基石之一,而且他也,用这礼物,宣誓了他的忠诚。

2.He explained that Luca Brasi was one of the most feared men in the Eastern underworld.他解释说,卢卡·布拉西是在东部的下层社会里面是最让人害怕的人。

3.The word "Mafia" conjures up images of the sinister and mysterious - scenes of the sort where Luca Brasi meets his fate.这个词“黑手党”使人联想到神秘的险恶和图像-排序的地方路卡布拉西符合他的命运的场景。

4.I'll try . But even Sonny won't be able to call off Luca Brasi .我试试看。但即使是山尼也阻止不了路卡布拉西。

5.In the garden Kay Adams was struck by the violet fury imprinted on the face of Luca Brasi.花园里,凯·亚当斯被印在卢卡·布拉西脸上的紫罗蓝色的狂暴惊得目瞪口呆。

6.Luca Brasi held a gun to his head and my father assured him that either his brains, or his signature, would be on the contract.LucaBrasi用枪指着他的头,我父亲告诉他,落在合约上的要么是他的签名,要么是脑浆。

7.Tom Hagen: He's not on the pst, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上,但他想要见你。

8.Hagen saw Luca Brasi's face lose its mask of fury, swell with pride and pleasure.哈根看见卢卡·布拉西的脸失去了它的狂暴面具,得意地、满足地胀起来。

9.The men were Amerigo Bonasera, Nazorine the Baker, Anthony Coppola and Luca Brasi.那些人是亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉,纳佐林面包师,安东尼·科波拉和卢卡·布拉西。

10.' Sonny : What the hell is this? Tessio: It's a Sicipan message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes. '桑尼:这啥鬼东西?泰西欧:是个西西里讯息,表示路卡·勃拉齐和鱼一块儿长眠了。