



1.LUCKY 7, a multi-genre roller-coaster ride of a feature film, is the result of this experiment.《七影篇》这部如过山车般起伏的多体裁故事片,就是这个实验的结果。

2.When I work fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, I get lucky.当我每天工作14小时,每周工作7天的时候,好运气就到了。

3.This time, instead of betting on black, perhaps I'd put the money on lucky number seven.这一次,我不再押黑,而可能押注幸运数字7。

4.To this end, I am going to calculate your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers which you will be able to use in the favorable moments I will indicate.对这一个结束,我将要计算你的你将会能够在我将会指出的有利片刻内使用的7个有益的幸运数字。

5.Hamilton will give the lucky winner a jolt of adrenapne on 5 July by taking him or her around the 1. 16 mile hill cpmb track at speed.汉密尔顿将给幸运得主这样的晃动肾上腺素于7月5日通过他或她在一点一六英里hillcpmb赛道上高速。

6.The number seven is considered lucky by gamblers, numerologists and the slew of couples who chose Saturday as their wedding date.“7”被赌徒、数字命理学家视为幸运数字,很多新人也将上周六定为他们的结婚日。

7.Jerry O' Connell is one lucky bastard marrying this woman in July.杰瑞-奥康耐尔是个幸运的混蛋,他在7月份娶了这位性感的女人。

8.Will lucky sevens result in wedded bpss for the lucky in love?“7”是幸福婚姻的幸运数字吗?

9.It's lucky that Craig Bellamy didn't score the seventh goal on Sunday, or the teams might still be playing.幸好克雷格-贝拉米在周日进的不是第7个球,否则两个队要继续踢下去。

10.Others weren't so lucky: MIT dropped six spots, to No. 9, Berkeley fell 7 spots, to No. 13, and NYU fell three spots, to No. 15.其他人则没有那么幸运:麻省理工下降六个点,升至第9,下跌7点,伯克利,以第13号,纽约大学三个点下跌到第15位。